I'm using the FBA solution from http://cks.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/94877#85179.
The issue I'm facing is that though FBA and the webparts seems to be working correctly, the password recovery webpart is something I couldn't find answer for. If a user resets his/her password an email is sent to the user. Instead of containing the defined xslt content, the email contains the following text:
Please return to the site and log in using the following information. User Name: Password: somepassworkd
The XSLT files that are used for generating the emails from 'FBA Site Configuration' can be found under Site Settings. (/_layouts/FBA/emails/MembershipApproved.xslt)
for Password Recovery its already set to /_layouts/FBA/emails/PasswordRecovery.xslt which has a different text that I'm getting in the email.!!!
Please help.