So i have this code

sb.AppendLine(  "var nameSplit = users[i].split('\');");

The sb.AppendLine is C# and the bit inside is JavaScript, I am trying to split users[i] so that I can strip out the Domain name, unfortunately this does not work I have also tried

sb.AppendLine(  "var nameSplit = users[i].split('\\');");

It doesn't make much sense really, I have done an alert of nameSplit and it shoes that it splits the text on every letter as though the \ escapes nothing, the second example doesnt work at all when I would expect that to and as javascript on its own it works fine.

Any help appreciated.



2 Answers 2



sb.AppendLine(  "var nameSplit = users[i].split('\\\\');");

this will give the javascript

var nameSplit = users[i].split('\\');

\ is an escape character in both C# and javascript so you need two of then in a litteral to specify that you need one in the real string.

  • Per I think I love you, genuinely haha.
    – Mattmoo
    Commented May 14, 2012 at 20:10
  • P.s. yes it worked :D
    – Mattmoo
    Commented May 14, 2012 at 20:11

Try adding a '@' in front of the quote, so it would look like....

sb.AppendLine(  @"var nameSplit = users[i].split('\');");

The @ symbol should make the code take the string 'as is' and ignore special characters and whatnot.

  • Woopsy, Per Jakobsen is right, the above would need to be '\\' with the @, or '\\\\' without
    – Zork
    Commented May 14, 2012 at 20:02
  • Thanks Zork, I didn't try this one as Per's worked but I appreciate you taking the time to answer :) Matt
    – Mattmoo
    Commented May 14, 2012 at 20:12

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