I've a query that goes like this:

                <FieldRef Name='Industry'/>
                    <Value Type='Text'>Insurance</Value>

I would expect it to be equivalent to this:

                <FieldRef Name='Industry'/>
                <Value Type='Text'>Insurance</Value>

But the first one returns 3 results and the second one around 400. Also, the column i'm querying against is a Choice one. If I add one value to that column and then remove it, it stops to appear in the first query. Am I missing something? Does In operator works as I supposed?

And, is there any reason for my result to stop appear in my first query after I modify the column? (It keeps not appearing even when I remove the new element, so it's as it was before)

1 Answer 1


The In operator is used to compare the query with multiple dynamic values.

In your case, I would suggest using <Eq> with choice as a value type instead of Text as below

    <FieldRef Name='Industry'/>
    <Value Type='Choice'>Insurance</Value>

In case, the choice field is MultiChoice, you have to use <Value Type='MultiChoice'>Insurance</Value> but in this case, it will return all items that contain Insurance word

  • Hello, my problem is, I need to do it with an <In>, as there are columns with more than one value. If I do it with an Eq, I would not be getting these results. My main question is, shouldn't an "In" operator returns all results with "Insurance" in the Choice column? May I use other column type to do this? Right now it is not getting the results it should. I think it's a metadata problem. Could you shed light on this matter? I'm kind of lost! Thank you in advance!
    – Des
    Commented Jan 18, 2023 at 10:15

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