I have created a visual web part that combines two other previously created web parts into one nicely styled web part. This is done simply by adding Register tags to the ascx page of the web part, and then adding the web part tags just as I would on a page layout, like so:
<%@ Register tagprefix="WebParts" namespace="Microsoft.SharePointLearningKit.WebParts" assembly="Microsoft.SharePointLearningKit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=24e5ae139825747e" %>
<%@ Register tagprefix="MyChildrenWebPart" namespace="MLG2010.WebParts.MyChildren.MyChildrenWebPart" assembly="MLG2010.WebParts.MyChildren, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9f4da00116c38ec5" %>
<WebParts:AssignmentListWebPart runat="server" ListScope="false" AllowEdit="True" AllowConnect="True" Title="Assignment List Web Part" IsIncluded="True" Dir="Default" SummaryWidth="150px" IsVisible="True" AllowMinimize="True" AllowHide="True" ExportControlledProperties="True" ZoneID="" ID="g_1c528b46_baf2_4cf2_a004_91f84c4f4556" FrameState="Normal" DisplaySummary="True" ExportMode="All" SuppressWebPartChrome="False" DetailLink="" HelpLink="" MissingAssembly="Cannot import this Web Part." PartImageSmall="" AllowRemove="True" ToolTip="Assignment List - Use this web part to keep track of your SharePoint Learning Kit assignments." HelpMode="Modeless" FrameType="Default" AllowZoneChange="True" PartOrder="0" Description="Display the assignments for an instructor or learner." PartImageLarge="" IsIncludedFilter="" __MarkupType="vsattributemarkup" __WebPartId="{1c528b46-baf2-4cf2-a004-91f84c4f4556}" WebPart="true" Height="" Width=""></WebParts:AssignmentListWebPart>
<MyChildrenWebPart:MyChildrenWebPart runat="server" PageSize="5" StudentsSiteURL="/student" PictureLibraryTitle="Students Picture Library" ADChildAttribute="otheripphone" Description="My WebPart" DefaultPictureURL="../../Students Picture Library/DefaultChild.jpg" ShowErrors="True" PictureLibraryUrl="../../Students Picture Library" Title="MyChildrenWebPart" ADEntryPoint="LDAP://dc=redconnect-test" __MarkupType="vsattributemarkup" __WebPartId="{d13a3729-e2b8-4436-ac1b-b75c914a3596}" WebPart="true" __designer:IsClosed="false" id="g_d13a3729_e2b8_4436_ac1b_b75c914a3596"></MyChildrenWebPart:MyChildrenWebPart>
The problem here, is that I need these two web parts to communicate via web part connections. since they are only added here on the aspx, sharepoint does not "know" about them, and thus they do not get a chrome and thus I cannot set up the web part connections in the browser.
Is there a way to set up web part connections on web parts that are added this way? Or maybe if I can just activate the chrome on these web parts?