I've been searching on this issue for a few days now. We use JSLink to add an extra Save button to a New or Edit form. So each form has 3 buttons:
- Cancel -> cancel the form
- Save -> (Temporary) Save the form without validation
- Submit -> Validate the form and save it
The submit button allows async validation. The validation itself works without issues, but when everything is valid, I want the form to submit. That's when the troubles start. I've done alot of research and tried different approaches:
// original code
export function saveAndCloseForm(): any {
const saveButton = (FormHelper.getSPOriginalSaveButton() as HTMLButtonElement);
if (!PreSaveItem()) { return false; }
if (SPClientForms.ClientFormManager.SubmitClientForm("WPQ2")) { return false; }
WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(saveButton.name, "", true, "", "", false, true));
Works as intended
Internet Explorer
When clicking the Submit button, the Save button is set disabled. This because SubmitClientForm returns false which stops the saveAndCloseForm function. If I remove the return like this:
//modified code
export function saveAndCloseForm(): any {
const saveButton = (FormHelper.getSPOriginalSaveButton() as HTMLButtonElement);
// if (!PreSaveItem()) { return false; }
WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(saveButton.name, "", true, "", "", false, true));
Internet Explorer throws the following error:
Accessing the 'caller' property of a function or arguments object is not allowed in strict mode
Basicly the same error:
access to strict mode caller function is censored
I want to try to avoid using .click() and purely do it through code. Is there anyone that got this to work with TypeScript for all browsers? Thanks in advance