I'm not certain if this is specific to React or the build chain inside SPFx, but I'm having issues setting a background image on a div dynamically. I receive the URL from an API call to https://tenant.sharepoint.com/_vti_bin/homeapi.ashx/sites/followed?mostRecentFirst=true&start=0&count=100&fillSiteData=true
to retrieve followed sites and use the below code to generate a simple site card with the site logo and title.
const Site = (props: SpSite) => {
const {Title, Url, BannerImageUrl, Acronym, BannerColor} = props;
const hasLogo = BannerImageUrl && BannerImageUrl.length > 0;
const logoUrl = hasLogo ? encodeURI(BannerImageUrl) : null;
const logoStyle: React.CSSProperties = hasLogo ? {backgroundImage: `url('${logoUrl}')`} : {backgroundColor: BannerColor};
const siteLogo = <div className="site-logo" style={logoStyle}>{!hasLogo && Acronym}</div>;
return (
<div className="site-card">
<a href={Url}>
<div className="site-text">
When the URL is in the format https://tenant.sharepoint.com/SiteImages/image.jpg
(Normal Site) everything works as expected and the background image is set properly on the generated HTML. When the URL has the format of https://tenant.sharepoint.com/_api/GroupService/GetGroupImage?id='RandomGUID'
(O365 Group Site) the attribute
style="background-image: url('https://SomeImageUrl')"
doesn't get created on the resulting div. I can't figure out if this is being stripped out somewhere in the build chain or if React isn't handling it properly. I can browse directly to the GUID based image URL and it renders just fine.