I have an SPListItemCollection (Thread Discussion Collection) that consists of almost 20,000 items. Each SPListItem (Thread Discussion) on the SPListItemCollection contains a sub SPListItem(Thread Discussion Replies).

I wanted to optimized the speed of the search on the replies. On my current setup, I loop on each discussion and use search for replies that contains the word that I am looking for. Is there a way the I could speed this up? The for each loop on the main discussion thread itself would already consume a lot of memory.

Here is my code snippet

List<string> lstResult = new List<string>();
string strSearch = "programming";
SPList spList = spWeb.List["DiscussionList"];
/// list of discussions
SPListItemCollection DiscussionList = spList.Items;
foreach(SPListItem Discussion in DiscussionList){
    string searchQuery = string.Concat("<Where><Contains><FieldRef Name='Body' /><Value Type='Note'>", strSearch, "</Value></Contains></Where>");
    SPQuery spQuery = new SPQuery();
    spQuery.Query = searchQuery;
    SPListItemCollection Replies = spList.GetItems(spQuery);
    foreach(SPListItem reply in Replies){

/// return result
return lstResult;

Note: I already use RowLimit so it's a given scenario for a search. I did not include it here because it's not the solution that I'm looking for. I'm looking for a better way of querying items. Somewhat like

Select AllDiscussion From DiscussionList Where Discussion.Replies contains 'search'

I just don't know if it is possible. A miracle might help :D

1 Answer 1


Okay straight of why did you include both for loop and spquery remove the for loop for the list items , i.e on foreach(SPListItem Discussion in DiscussionList) , use only spquery since you are searching on the discussion list anyways. Also , if it helps you can use rowlimit on Spquery class f you dont want all the items.

Modified code would look like :

List<string> lstResult = new List<string>();
string strSearch = "programming";
SPList spList = spWeb.List["DiscussionList"];
/// list of discussions
SPListItemCollection DiscussionList = spList.Items;

string searchQuery = string.Concat("<Where><Contains><FieldRef Name='Body' /><Value     Type='Note'>", strSearch, "</Value></Contains></Where>");
SPQuery spQuery = new SPQuery();
spQuery.Query = searchQuery;
SPListItemCollection Replies = spList.GetItems(spQuery);
foreach(SPListItem reply in Replies){

return lstResult;
  • If you just try to understand the situation. DiscussionList is a list of SPListItem that's why I looped through all the items inside the discussionList because each item contains a collection of replies. "Replies" is a subfolder inside the Discussion and DiscussionList is a collection of Discussion. I'm actually doing a search inside the folder Replies which is actually a subfolder of discussion. I hope I'm clear on that. :)
    – Carls Jr.
    Commented Oct 3, 2011 at 8:00
  • Yup , now it makes sense. Then i would suggest RowLimit under SPQuery , in case you are displaying not all but something like the latest replies. 20,000 is a pretty big amount. Gotta love large lists in sp2010
    – Aabid Ali
    Commented Oct 3, 2011 at 8:03
  • Actually I already have the row limit applied. I am hoping to see an answer somewhat like this (select AllDiscussion from DiscussionList where DiscussionList.Replies contains 'programming') if I could only do this on CAML query. But I guess not :( Rowlimit is given already, I initially display max of 20 items per query. :)
    – Carls Jr.
    Commented Oct 3, 2011 at 8:12
  • ouch , then id advice you to take a look at u2u.net/res/Tools/CamlQueryBuilder.aspx it helps build caml queries, feed in the relations and lets see .
    – Aabid Ali
    Commented Oct 3, 2011 at 8:20
  • haha I'm using CamlQueryBuilder too but it only gives me simple queries it does not include complicated queries that could possible complicate my life lol
    – Carls Jr.
    Commented Oct 3, 2011 at 8:30

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