I have created a new page with a default calendar webpart.
Below is what I'm doing.
- Click New Event and the popup gets opened
- Fill-in the event details
- Click Save and the event gets saved
- Calendar gets reloaded asynchronously and my new get details are shown
Though the calendar gets reloaded automatically when an event is created, I would like to reload the entire screen once the event is created, as it requires due to my other customization.
I tried creating some script with some timeout to reload the screen, in the save button as below, but it doesn't get fired.
setTimeout(function(){ parent.window.location.reload(); }, 3000);
I tried another approach which executes the same kind of script when the modal dialog of "newForm.aspx" form is closed. I tried the below, but it doesn't work either.
$('.ms-dlgContent').on('hidden', function(){
document.getElementsByClassName('ms-dlgContent')[0].addEventListener('hide', function (event) {
alert('Test 1');
document.getElementsByClassName('ms-dlgContent')[0].addEventListener('hidden', function (event) {
alert('Test 2');
Is there any way I can reload my screen once the modal dialog is closed or an event is created?
I also tried to use the SP.UI.ModalDialog class, but I couldn't find much.