I see everyone copying CSR code from the early CSR 'gurus'
May I suggest refactoring part of your JavaScript to something that is actually readable and extensible and maintainable:
(I wrote this of the top of my head; might be errors in here, but the concept is clear)
function statusColor( ctx, CurrentFieldSchema, CurrentItem, ListSchema ){
if(ctx){//Not required??? CSR always calls the function with a ctx
if (CurrentItem.hasOwnProperty(CurrentFieldSchema.Name + '.groupHeader')) {
//do nothing when this Choice field is used in a Group By
return CurrentItem[CurrentFieldSchema.Name];
var _status=CurrentItem[ CurrentFieldSchema.Name ].Label,
_html='<span style="color:{0}; font-weight:{1};">{2}</span>',
case('Not Started'):
case('At Risk'):
return( String.format(_html, _color, _weight, _status) );
- I am not using your custom ColumnName ProjectStatus
using CurrentFieldSchema.Name makes this code generic for any Status Column
- String.format is SharePoint specific code, you get this for free from Microsoft
- Alas all 'guru' blogs only show the one (ctx) parameter, and everyone follows like sheep
There are actually 4 parameters passed
See The other parameters for the CSR VIEW Template function
an alternative not using CSR
If you:
- Are not afraid to use something that has worked since 2010 (and works in SP2010)
- do not want to create separate files for display logic
- do not want to rewrite your CSR code to be MDS safe
- want a solution that works no matter where a View Column is displayed
- want a solution that can be wrapped in a List Template
- works even if there are multiple Views of the same List on One page
Then you could add the JavaScript logic to a Calculated Column.
Set the datatype to Number and it will evaluate your HTML/JavaScript
Create a Calculated Column "ColorStatus"
Paste the Formula:
&"<img src=/_layouts/images/blank.gif onload=""{"
&"var T=this;while(T.tagName!='TR'){T=T.parentNode}"
&" ({"
&" 'Not Started':'gold',"
&" 'OnHold':'gold',"
&" 'Active':'green',"
&" 'Completed':'blue',"
&" 'AtRisk':'red',"
&" 'Cancelled':'red',"
&" 'Overdue':'red'"
&" })['"&[Status]&"']"
- set the Datatype to number.
- Add to Default View
- Do not add to Content Types (or the Formula will show up as text on Forms) this works in Views only!!
- this colors the whole row, if you only want to color the current Cell, replace 'TR' with 'TD'
Detail descscription on How it works at: http://www.viewmaster365.com/#/How
Of course there are drawbacks;
biggest one is that it adds the same script for every List Item
The fun part is you can use all you SharePoint Calculated Formula skills on the &[Status]& part to get any result (or dynamic JavaScript creation) you want.
J5 iJS iCSR iStatus