I recently watched a video which popped-up a SharePoint Dialog box (Webpage Dialog) to browse site content, and then return the selection value to a text box. Is it possible to invoke this dialog box through code to Browse Site Content and return the selected value to a variable/Control ? Or do we have to implement this from scratch ?

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


The following JavaScript function when called will pop up the browse dialog in a modal window and if the user makes a selection will return an array of four elements:

  • element 0: guids of list, web
  • element 1: base URL (e.g./sites/sitecollection2)
  • element 2: library display name (e.g. Documents)
  • element 3: library URL (e.g. /sites/sitecollection2/Shared Documents)

You can examine the querystring on the PickerTreeView page to see what the parameters are and how they are used.

function showBrowseDialog() {
    var qs = 'title=RouterPickerSelectListTitle&text=RouterPickerSelectListText&filter=websListsFolders&root=&selection=&featureId=&errorString=&iconUrl=/_layouts/15/images/smt_icon.gif?rev=39&scopeToWeb=true&requireCT=&sourceId=';
    var url = SP.ClientContext.get_current().get_url() + '/_layouts/15/PickerTreeView.aspx?' + qs;

    var result = window.showModalDialog(url, null, "dialogHeight: 700px; dialogWidth: 525px; dialogTop: px; dialogLeft: px; edge: Raised; center: Yes; resizable: No; status: Yes;");
        alert('You selected ' + result[3]);
        alert('You hit cancel');
  • Note this will not work in chrome and possibly firefox due to the lack of support for showModalDialog. For those browsers you need to just use a standard window. Commented May 22, 2015 at 16:28

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