I am creating a custom edit/display/new forms for custom lists, using custom controls. This is a VS farm solution, for an on-premises scenario.
The layout is done in HTML tables, since they need to be fixed in size. The problem is that SharePoint somehow overrides my styles. I've tried checking with Developer tools, and it seems that there is nothing generic applied to the table,tr,td elements. But even from there, when I add some inline styles dynamically, they are ignored.
Is there any way to use custom styles over builtin? Maybe some way of resetting generic CSS just for those pages?
From my .master:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration Name="Themable/corev15.css" runat="server" />
<SharePoint:CssRegistration Name="/_layouts/15/TMPL/Styles/tmpl.css" runat="server" After="corev15.css" ID="tmpl_css_0" />
From tmpl.css:
border-width: 1px !important;
border-collapse: collapse;
table.hdis_tblUp td{
border-width: 1px !important;
From my .aspx:
<asp:Content ID="Main" ContentPlaceHolderID="PlaceHolderMain" runat="server">
<div id="divUp">
<asp:table CssClass="hdis_tblUp" runat="server">
The styles, looking from Developer tools seem to be applied:
And yet they are not visible: