SPJobDefinition has two constructors
One for web applications:
And one for services:
You can attach to the central admin service (like the Health Analysis Job)
Or the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Timer service (check http://bnedgsp06:8080/_admin/ServiceJobDefinitions.aspx) as it has most of the inbuilt timer jobs
A good example of a farm wide job is: Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.WSSProfileSyncJob
which has an Execute like this:
public override void Execute()
foreach (SPWebApplication application in SPFarm.Local.Services.GetValue<SPWebService>(string.Empty).WebApplications)
if (base.JobState.ShouldStop)
if (!UserProfileServiceProxy.ServiceProxy.ExcludedWebApplications.Contains(application.Id))
//do stuff
You can find other global job definitions type names using this powershell:
((get-spfarm).Services |? {$_.TypeName -eq "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Timer"}).JobDefinitions | select TypeName