I have a form with some fields like name, lastname, address, phonenumber etc. This page is accessable foraccessible to anonymous users. The code behind is adding a new listitem under administrator privalidgesprivileges. When I go to the list I see an amptyempty created by field. I would like to add programmaticlyprogrammatically for each new item a value with some existing user account.
The reason why I would like to do that is because on this list I have a workflow. And it is triggered on each new item. When I fill in the form anonymously the workflow is also running under a anonoumasluan anonymous user. But it stucksstuck in the progress status. When I log in with some user everything is working fine. So I would like to manupilatemanipulate the system like the item which is created will run the workflow onderon some account.
the workflow is just aa simple email with the items inside of it. It is created in sharepointSharePoint designer.