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lookup feild doesnt Lookup field doesn't support non string based feildssome field types
Its looking more and more like you can't add additional feildsfields that are anything other than string boxes (no person or yes/no etc) is there any work around for this?
lookup feild doesnt support non string based feilds
Its looking more and more like you can't add additional feilds that are anything other than string boxes (no person or yes/no etc) is there any work around for this?
Lookup field doesn't support some field types
Its looking more and more like you can't add additional fields that are anything other than string boxes (no person or yes/no etc) is there any work around for this?
lookup feild doesnt support non string based feilds
Its looking more and more like you can't add additional feilds that are anything other than string boxes (no person or yes/no etc) is there any work around for this?