I'm tryI am trying to customise the links shown on My Site using a stapled feature that runs when the site is created. The links i'mI am trying to change are the top two in the quick launch, but iI can't work out where they're coming from.
The master page is showing the links using the following control <SharePoint:AspMenu id="QuickLaunchMenu" DataSourceId="QuickLaunchSiteMap"...
<SharePoint:AspMenu id="QuickLaunchMenu" DataSourceId="QuickLaunchSiteMap"...`
But the following code only pulls out the quick launch links starting at the second header.
foreach (SPNavigationNode node in web.Navigation.QuickLaunch.Parent.Children)
foreach (SPNavigationNode subnode in node.Children)
html.InnerText += "<p>" + subnode.Title + ": " + subnode.Url + "</p>";
html.InnerText += "<p>" + node.Title + ": " + node.Url + "</p>";
what i'mI am trying to change is the top two links in this section:
My Profile (change title to 'edit my profile, and the url of this to the edit profile page)
Details (delete this one)