I'm try to customise the links shown on mysites using a stapled feature that runs when the site is created. the links i'm trying to change are the top two in the quick launch, but i can't work out where they're coming from.

The master page is showing the links using the following control `<SharePoint:AspMenu

But the following code only pulls out the quick launch links starting at the second header.

    foreach (SPNavigationNode node in web.Navigation.QuickLaunch.Parent.Children)
        foreach (SPNavigationNode subnode in node.Children)
            html.InnerText += "<p>" + subnode.Title + ": " + subnode.Url + "</p>";
        html.InnerText += "<p>" + node.Title + ": " + node.Url + "</p>";

what i'm trying to change is the top two links in this section:  

My Profile  (change title to 'edit my profile, and the url of this to the edit profile page)  
Details   (delete this one)  