I'm having trouble adding a new site collection, from a service hosted in a claims enabled SharePoint web application. The authentication works just fine (I can confirm the identity of the user while stepping through the site collection creation).
For some reason, I get the below error message. The only thing that seems to resolve it is to add the client user to the local administrator group. I've tried changing web app security policies, adding all kinds of users as database sysadmin and so forth, but that doesn't help at all.
Another thing I find weird is the fact that the error stems from SetSiteQuota. According to the ULS logs, the site collection appears to be created, then some subsequent operation fails. The stack trace supports this.
Any clues would be most welcome.
0#.w|domain\testuser caused exception trying to create a site with owner domain\client. ExceptionType: 'ThreadAbortException' ExceptionMessage: 'Thread was being aborted.' StackTrace: '
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtilityInternal.SendResponse(HttpContext context, Int32 code, String strBody)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility.HandleAccessDenied(HttpContext context)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility.HandleAccessDenied(Exception ex)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.SetSiteQuota(String bstrUrl, UInt16 quotaId, Int64 diskQuota, Int64 diskWarning, Int32 userQuota, Double resourceUsageMaximum, Double resourceUsageWarning, Boolean bForSSC)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPQuota.Update()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.set_Quota(SPQuota value)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPSiteCollection.Add(SPContentDatabase database, SPSiteSubscription siteSubscription, String siteUrl, String title, String description, UInt32 nLCID, String webTemplate, String ownerLogin, String ownerName, String ownerEmail, String secondaryContactLogin, String secondaryContactName, String secondaryContactEmail, String quotaTemplate, String sscRootWebUrl, Boolean useHostHeaderAsSiteName)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPSiteCollection.Add(SPSiteSubscription siteSubscription, String siteUrl, String title, String description, UInt32 nLCID, String webTemplate, String ownerLogin, String ownerName, String ownerEmail, String secondaryContactLogin, String secondaryContactName, String secondaryContactEmail, Boolean useHostHeaderAsSiteName)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPSiteCollection.Add(String siteUrl, String title, String description, UInt32 nLCID, String webTemplate, String ownerLogin, String ownerName, String ownerEmail)