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Mathematics's user avatar
Mathematics's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • UK
6 votes

sharepoint 2010, windows 7 i cant upload multiple file

4 votes

Contact List from Sharepoint Group

3 votes

Reading contents inside PDF file

3 votes

how to Update/Add list items via New-WebServiceProxy in powershell?

3 votes

Survey security; exported excel file password

3 votes

how to paste powershell script onto the Shell

3 votes

Modal Dialog lose state after postback

2 votes

Why do Google Analytics and Sharepoint give different numbers?

2 votes

Save and Close buttons disabled in Infopath form

2 votes

Which event handler should I use to customize the Cancel button in Edit form in sharepoint 2007?

2 votes

How would a Web Application feature knows on activation that which web app its supposed to run on

2 votes

SharePoint User Specific Key Value settings

1 vote

Claims Authentication Unexpected Error in Developer Dashboard

1 vote

Central Admin unexpected error

1 vote

how to upload file to sharepoint doc library via c# application?

1 vote

Populate Sharepoint:AspMenu programatically

1 vote

How is it possible to set a maximum number for items in a list and inform user when he / she reaches the limit?

1 vote

Export Sharepoint list to files and folders?

1 vote

Reason for Custom Field not getting displayed while adding new Item

1 vote

Providing read only permissions on a document library and edit permissions on a list

1 vote

How I can block to change view in list SharePoint Foundation

1 vote

Profile/group expiration for non-use?

1 vote

Web Part Feature

1 vote

Adding SPListItem using SPWeb.ProcessBatchData method

1 vote

ItemUpdated event handler not working

1 vote

How can I know when user changes permission for an item?

1 vote

How to hide specific list from user or a group

1 vote

Searching lists using standard search for specific list items > How?

1 vote

Possible to get a list of scheduleditems?

1 vote

Moss Timer job deployed in one web application but running in a different web application