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6 votes

Wiki Page Content Editor adding break (br) to elements before closing tag in SharePoint 2013

No, it's not a SharePoint bug. I faced the same behavior when I enabled a google extension like Grammarly, it considers the cursor place as a line break <br> tag. For Example, When you add &...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
5 votes

office 365 sharepoint wiki page library not available

You need to activate "Wiki Page Home Page" feature from "Manage Site Features". Navigate to Communication site->Site settings->Manage site features->activate "Wiki Page Home Page" feature:
Lisa Chen MSFT's user avatar
2 votes

Why do some hyperlinks to pages in wiki library work and some don't

The problem could be the extra character (%E2%80%8BE). This happens when you copy/paste urls from MS Word or other Office Apps. This is an invisible/non-printing formatting character (UTF-8: E2 80 8E ...
Cecilia's user avatar
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Drupal content to sharepoint

Drupal is all PHP and MySql So you can push content from the PHP side to SharePoint with the connector Vadim Gremyachev created: But... If you don't have SharePoint ...
Danny '365CSI' Engelman's user avatar
2 votes

Which to choose: site pages vs wiki page library

We use Site Pages as it allows for more customization. If you want webzones, webparts, javaScript, etc... then this is the way to go. If all you want is free text with HTML markup then go with Wiki ...
Brian Rood's user avatar
2 votes

Convert Documents with Images to a wiki site

As OOTB Copy/Paste operation, The images will not be copied to SharePoint page (whatever it's a wiki page or other type) from a word document. Only the text and tables and some font format will be ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Adding webParts on a Wiki page in SharePoint Online through CSOM and PowerShell

Wiki pages have a specific zone called "wpz" that you need to use. Here's the code (in C#) from another thread, public static void AddWebPartIntoWikiPage(ClientContext context, string pageUrl, ...
Tiago Duarte's user avatar
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2 votes

In a Sharepoint Wiki Page Library can I make a custom numbered list or bulleted list format?

If you click on Edit Source, you can add a type to the <ol> tag. e.g. <ol type="a"> to get lower case letters. type="1" - numbers (default) type="A" - uppercase letters type="a" - ...
Brian Kofford's user avatar
2 votes

Linked images (cells copied from other spreadsheets pasted as linked image) do not show in Excel Web Acess Webpart on SharePoint page

The linked picture feature is not supported in Excel Online and Excel Web Access web part. As a workaround, use cell references instead. In the Summary worksheet, click on a cell and enter “=” in ...
JoannaW_MSFT's user avatar
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Approaches we can have to allow indexing managed metadata columns which allow multiple values

I can only partially answer your question. I can't speak to the questions surrounding the managed metadata columns or metadata navigation, but I can try to clear up some of your confusion over ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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2 votes

unable to create a list view to filter my Wiki Pages which contain the following text 'T:\' inside their "Page Content" field

After view the wiki page source, I notice the ":" is replaced as &#58; in the page source, you can type the filter as Page Content contains "T&#58;\" to achieve your requirement.
Hellofiona_MSFT's user avatar
2 votes

office 365 sharepoint wiki page library not available

It appears Microsoft has limited the Communications site to list and libraries that are supported in the "Modern UI" format. Wikis are not there (yet?). If you want to do something that may not be ...
Mike Smith - MCT's user avatar
2 votes

SharePoint Wikipage

Modern pages you'd click on one of the "+"-Signs and select Imageto insert. Classic pages If you're using classic (and you do, if you really have a wiki-page) you place the cursor where the image ...
Nils's user avatar
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1 vote

Changing screen display" on click event" in the same page in sharepoint online

The simple solution would be to use iframe, something like below <p>Click on link bellow to change iframe content:</p> <a href="" target="search_iframe">Bing</...
P S's user avatar
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1 vote

Export Wiki Page to PDF?

In short, There is no direct option to export the WIKI page to PDF! Workaround Open your page. Click Crt + P. Then select your destination to Save to PDF as shown below
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Blinking Web Part Boarder

Try to do the following: Edit and Check out your wiki page Add Script Editor Web Part. Add the below CSS style Apply border style for specific web part within the page <style> #WebPartID { ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Show Modified By on Wiki Page

You may inject these information by Rest api and jQuery, sample script: <div id="modifiedDate"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&...
Lee's user avatar
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1 vote

what is difference between wiki library and blog site in SharePoint?

The concept is basically the difference between Site Blog and Wiki Site. Both enable content approval. Permits are granted hierarchically from the sites, lists, folders, documents. At this point you ...
Ahmed Bouchaala's user avatar
1 vote

Turn off background hover color on table in SharePoint wiki page

SharePoint doesn't add hover effects to table rows/cells by default. This would have been added as a customization after the fact. It can be done with CSS or with JavaScript, the latter which may ...
Heather Solomon's user avatar
1 vote

Turn off background hover color on table in SharePoint wiki page

Follow these steps to get rid of the hover - Check and see using Chrome or any browser debugger tools if there exists any hover event Identify the selector (ID or class) of the cell(s) where you ...
Satyajit Paul's user avatar
1 vote

How to change folder root when creating a page in Sharepoint Online 2013?

There are two types of library that in SP to save pages: "Pages library" and "Site Pages library". "Pages library" is used to save publishing page. "Site Pages library" is used to save wiki page or ...
imp. MSFT's user avatar
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Creating a back top button in wiki TOC

I modify the code as below and add the code into script editor web part. <style> .ms-wikicontent H1 {color:black !important; background-color:#96cfff !important; font-size:16px !important; font-...
LZ_MSFT's user avatar
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1 vote

How i can update the CreatedBy & ModifiedBy fields for all my enterprise wiki pages using powershell

You don't need this line: $user = get-SPuser -Web $site -Identity $newuser Instead, directly pass the $newuser to the list items. So, your overall code would be as below: #specify new user - ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
1 vote

How to enable co-authoring on a SharePoint wiki page

According to this site, it is not possible OOT. Office provides co-authoring functionality for Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, and ...
Ariwibawa's user avatar
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1 vote

How to add a library web part in a wiki page in SharePoint Online using CSOM?

Check this public static void AddWebPartIntoWikiPage(ClientContext context, string pageUrl, ...
TARUN's user avatar
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how to convert html to pdf using javascript

There are open source / third party libraries to help with this. Perhaps check out jsPDF or PDFMake.
Mike2500's user avatar
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wiki page library migration to office 365

Full disclosure, I work for Sharegate :) I can confirm that no, we do not delete anything once the Free Trial ends!
Mia 's user avatar
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wiki page library migration to office 365

It is not good idea to copy and paste the Wiki pages from 2007 to office 365. You better use migrations tools to migrate the pages so that content also will migrate as expected. You can use Share ...
Suresh Bolineni's user avatar
1 vote

What is the default home page of SharePoint 2010 team site?

home.aspx is present in the site pages library. Site pages library is created when you activate the Wiki home page feature which also updates the site welcome page to home.aspx. So if this feature is ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
1 vote

Which to choose: site pages vs wiki page library

Generally , the content Site Page within the Site Pages library is a wiki page. But what is differ from the wiki page library and site Page library that the site page library contains all pages ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar

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