2 votes

Visio 2016, SP Designer 2013, and VWI files

Sharepoint Designer 2013 is not compatible with Visio 2016. To export to Visio, you need to use the version of Visio Professional that matches the version of SharePoint Designer that you're using. So ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Using Visio in Sharepoint 2013

You'll have to create a Visio Graphic Service in Central Administration to make use of Visio Web Parts in SharePoint 2013.
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
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VSDX dont have the Visio Icon in SharePoint 2013 search

You could copy the out of the box Word or PowerPoint display template and improve it. There is a result type rule for "Visio" but it appears to ignore VSDX files. You could even go so far as to ...
Matthew McDermott's user avatar
2 votes

Image with Embedded Links

You could create an image map for this and display it using a script web part. Here is a good generator: https://www.image-map.net/ where you can define the links and clickable areas and then copy the ...
Rune Sperre's user avatar
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1 vote

Designer 2013 workflow with Visio professional missing stencils

Visio diagrams can be rendered by Visio Services and viewed in a Web browser. Visio Services lets users share and view Visio diagrams. So, you need to enable setup the service before the hand to use ...
Venkat Konjeti's user avatar
1 vote

Is Sharepoint Designer 2013 compatible with Visio 2016?

As a short answer, No, To export to Visio, you need to use the version of Visio Professional that matches the version of SharePoint Designer that you're using. So in your case, you should have ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Link to Visio Shape from SharePoint 2013 List?

Visio does support hyperlinks with sub-address: Here you see dest.vsdx file with some random shapes and Drawing Explorer open, and source.vsdx file with single shape that have a text converted to ...
Aziz Kabyshev's user avatar
1 vote

Using firefox to edit office documents inside my document library

Recently switched from IE to Firefox and now I have the same problem. But the provided answer does not longer work for non ESR-versions of Firefox because most NPAPI-plugins are blocked by Firefox. ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 vote

Internal Error #3400 when trying to check in a visio file to a document library

Although the answer above may have solved the issue, the underlying problem is due to Required List Content Types that your company may have required for your Documents. For SharePoint 2013 (where I ...
David D's user avatar
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