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5 votes

Why isn't Task List showing up under Quick Navigation?

Did you try this approach? go to site settings > Look and Feel > Navigation > Under 'Navigation Editing and sorting' > add an entry under current navigation.
Pradeep Kothamale's user avatar
5 votes

Can hours be added to a Task List?

You can achieve this by changing Date and Time Format of Start Date & Due Date columns. Go to Task list setting. Edit column Start Date/Due Date. Change Date and Time Format from Date only to '...
SP Developer's user avatar
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4 votes

What would I call this triangle next to the Task-SubTask?

I would call it an "Expander", based on the functionality it provides. Although in this case it is used for Tasks, that particular type of UI control exists in many other UIs, including the Windows ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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4 votes

How to Get the Parent Id of a subtask on a SharePoint Task List via Workflow

I had a similar problem with trying to find the parent ID of a specific field in a 2013 workflow I solved mine in the following way (although for me I wanted to know the parent ID of the field I was ...
Paul's user avatar
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4 votes

CSR to render Task Status destroys Task checkboxes

It is not your CSR destroying the checkboxes, It is because Microsoft didn't test JSLink properly and shipped a failing product The Checkboxes are created by a JSLink on the View definition (each ...
Danny '365CSI' Engelman's user avatar
4 votes

Can the Content Query Web Part be used to show all tasks marked as Complete during the current week?

Yes you can use CQWP to show the completed tasks through last week by filtering the following: The [Task Status] column equal to Completed Once the task set to completed, the [Modified Date] will be ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
4 votes

Import/Copy/Paste Data from Excel into Existing SharePoint List

The key points are recognizing the column types and formatting the data appropriately in Excel before the attempting the import. Certain column types are not able to be imported in this way, such as ...
Chiramisu's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to add comments to tasks or the task list?

The default columns at Tasks content type do not have a comments column, meanwhile, it has a Description column that can be used as comments column to add more details about your task , and to show it ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
3 votes

How do I delete a view within Task List?

Click on the List tab in the ribbon and click on List Settings. On the resulting page, scroll down a bit until you see the Views section. Click on the name of the view and you can delete it. If that ...
Eric Alexander's user avatar
3 votes

How do I display attachments in column for Lists?

You can also use a multiple lines of text column. It allows you to create links (e.g. to a file in a document library).
J. S.'s user avatar
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3 votes

What should I call this tab icon within task timeline?

The term for the shape itself is brace/bracket. In context of a callout, you would probably call it a selector. Personally though, I would just refer to the whole thing as a Callout and identify the ...
hoffie4's user avatar
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3 votes

What's the difference between a Task List and a Custom List?

I dont think there is any difference because at the end both are lists.Only difference I am seeing is. Task list comes with pre-defined content type and columns, There are many Lists MSFT already ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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3 votes

How to show the total count of items in a task list on a seperate page in SharePoint 2013?

You can try following steps : step 1: GoTo modify this view step 2: Totals. Here you can Select one or more totals to display. (Refer below image. Here I have selected 'Title' field and in dropdown ...
Rohit Waghela's user avatar
3 votes

can't create subtask

This means you can not have a sort set for that view. Update your sort and choose None. Other views you can use the sort options as needed but the main view in a task list needs to be unsorted to ...
Chris G's user avatar
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3 votes

How to add JS validation on SharePoint new item form to check date field populated or not

We can add the code below into a script editor web part in task list form page to achieve it. <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> &...
LZ_MSFT's user avatar
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3 votes

How to prevent the creation of a task item when the value of column Date is a Holiday

You can do this with a validation formula. It can get quite long, depending on the number of holidays, and how far out into the future you want to go. =NOT( OR( [TaskDate]=Date(2019,12,25), ...
Mike Smith - MCT's user avatar
3 votes

Calculated Column Syntax Error

If you want to show "Optional" as a result when "Choice Type" is either "Choice Type 1" OR "Choice Type 2" OR "Choice Type 3", Try using calculated ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

how a task is displayed in the timeline

The simplest way (ie no programming or advanced setup) would be to add a zero duration task to follow each of your current tasks. Add these to the timeline and as the dates of your main tasks move, so ...
Matt B's user avatar
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2 votes

How to return field from specific workflow task as Data source in Lookup tool?

I had a similar situation using SharePoint 2013 and a 2013 workflow, and the following worked for me (when other suggested steps didn't): Situation: I had a list of items and an approval task being ...
ns875's user avatar
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2 votes

What's the difference between a Task List and a Custom List?

Custom List associated with "Item" content type and Task list associated with "Task" content type. Content type is collection of site columns.When you add content type in list all column will be ...
Akshay Belure's user avatar
2 votes

What would I call this triangle next to the Task-SubTask?

In fact , I don't know if this arrow has a specific name or not ? ,but usually, I tried to call something based on its functionality or what it denote to ?. So This arrow denotes to the multi-level ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

unwanted sync on publishing Project Server and random task list in SharePoint farm

By default whenever you publish the Project it will sync all Project Task with SharePoint Task List. In order to stop the sync, you can try below two options. 1. Unlink SharePoint Site with Project. ...
Apps4Rent Guru's user avatar
2 votes

In a task list, how do I get the ID number to start with 1?

Save the list as a template and restore it from there. Every time you restore that list, the ID will start back at 1. If you want to restore it in the same site, then delete the existing list (after ...
TARUN's user avatar
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2 votes

How to change the date font-size in a Task List Timeline milestone label?

As the font-size and font-family settings have been defined in the HTML of the .ms-tl-milestoneLabel element and in the children elements, you need to do forced CSS-changes, which means you need to ...
moe's user avatar
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2 votes

Show All Tasks Assigned to Me (including those assigned to Me and Multiple Users)

Try the view ... "By My Groups"
Juan Pablo Pussacq Laborde's user avatar
2 votes

Prevent items in Tasks list from being deleted

As you've discovered, there is a timer job that runs which deletes "workflow instances and related task entries that still exist 60 days after a workflow is completed or cancelled." This quote is from ...
Mike2500's user avatar
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2 votes

Prevent items in Tasks list from being deleted

If you want a concrete answer as to whether items without the GUID will be deleted or not you either need to test it youself, or ask Microsoft directly. I don't think the community can give you the ...
Thomas Gass's user avatar
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2 votes

Not getting Task List Columns under crawled Property

Some crawled properties will be created using internal names of columns. And the internal name of "Related Content" column is "WorkflowLink". So, check there will be ows_WorkflowLink and ...
SP Developer's user avatar
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2 votes

SharePoint task list with multiple timeline views

Unfortunately, you can't add Multiple Timelines for Task List in SharePoint 2013 / 2016. In SharePoint 2016, the Multiple Timelines feature is only available in Project Center, not the Task List. ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

SharePoint Online Customising Task Lists

You could make a separate content type for the child items. Use the task type as a basis and add the new fields. You would need to have users intelligently select which content type to create.
Jammin4CO's user avatar
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