4 votes

Open specific excel sheet from sharepoint URL

?web=1 works to open the spreadsheet in a web browser, thanks to @Vincent Crenshaw but ?range='YourWorksheetName' doesn't work. Finally, this works for me: https://superuser.com/a/1115331 https://...
Peter Wangxin's user avatar
3 votes

Open specific excel sheet from sharepoint URL

That # symbol in URL usually divides an address and fragment location, and fragment location is never transmitted to server, but handled by client. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
Aziz Kabyshev's user avatar
2 votes

Drawbacks and limitations of using "Import Spreadsheet" app to import an excel sheet inside my sharepoint sites

Not using content types is considered bad design, but a lot of people have created a lot of solutions without them, and the simple truth is that there are many scenarios where not having content types ...
Mike2500's user avatar
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1 vote

Share just one of multiple spreadsheet saved in excel on Sharepoint

The only way to achieve this would be by protecting the other sheets in Excel. There is no way for SharePoint to differentiate permissions per worksheet unfortunately. Another way would be to split ...
Rune Sperre's user avatar
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Hide columns in spreadsheet/edit view (JS/jQuery/Cisar)

For Edit view try this: function hideColumn() { var header = document.querySelectorAll("th[title='Column Name']")[0]; var index = [].slice.call(header.parentNode.children).indexOf(header) + ...
Slaven Semper's user avatar
1 vote

Importing users from spreadsheet to list

You can import users from an excel spreadsheet. The catch is, just like with any Excel-to-list connection, you need to make sure the data your are loading from Excel into SharePoint matches the data ...
lazoDev's user avatar
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1 vote

Importing users from spreadsheet to list

You can't from just the "Import from Spreadsheet". You'll have to write a powershell script that will push a data into a list programmatically whilst finding the correct user. This technet article ...
Mike's user avatar
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1 vote

SP Survey - Disable the export to spreadsheet action

I decided to hide the entire list actions menu using JavaScript and JQuery as I didn't want to expose the other available list actions (View RSS Feed and Alert Me) to our users either. I simply ...
Felix Bohnacker's user avatar

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