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How to add Document Library programically?

You are looking for PnP Provisioning Engine. See latest Provisioning Schema for details and example. Latest schema has a full sample available.
Kristaps Vilerts's user avatar
1 vote

error in Parse JSON Step in MS Flow

The problem was caused by UserId being null in several elements of the data received from the HTTP Get, while that is set as required in the JSON Schema... initially we solved it by using the below ...
Our Man in Bananas's user avatar
1 vote

error in Parse JSON Step in MS Flow

Try removing UserId from the 'required' array at the end of your JSON schema. Any values specified in that array must be present with every return/trigger, or the Flow will fail. If 'Email' is the ...
Jake's user avatar
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use JSOM to get all fields and views in a list

Here is the method that I use. It uses AJAX and ODATA. It will give you the properties of both the fields and the views. You would just iterate over them afterwards. I can include more details latter. ...
andre mcgruder's user avatar

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