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SharePoint 2013 Community - How are they not integrated into the Newsfeed?

We used SharePoint blogs in the past and faced a similar problem: Although someone follows the blog website this does not mean that this person will get any newsfeed updates (for instance, when ...
tommypage777's user avatar
1 vote

Convert word document to PDF document in SPO

This is available to onprem users using the word automation service:
J. Doe's user avatar
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SharePoint Conference Recommendations

If you want to hear more about SharePoint (onPrem / Cloud) then i would recommend to go for Microsoft Ignite conferee by Microsoft. You can read more about this over here
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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SharePoint Conference Recommendations

it always depends on what exactly you'd like to learn (which topic) but it is always good to get information from the SharePoint team or MVPs. Check this URL and find your session. Hope this helps, ...
Andrew Adamich's user avatar
1 vote

Tagging in communities broken?

As it often is with SharePoint, your best answer you will find yourself by looking into the inner working of things. The problem is that the HashTags column is set to Hidden in a Community discussion ...
Dennis G's user avatar
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Error while activating community site feature "Cannot add the file /sites/mysitename/SitePages/Community Home.aspx because it is a draft item"

The page /sites/mySiteName/SitePages/Community Home.aspx was already created in site pages library despite of the error and it was checked out to me. So I went to versioning setting of the Site Pages ...
Ankit Jetani's user avatar

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