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Unable to replicate the attributes of AD to SPO via AzureAD

By default user profile synchronization in SharePoint Online synchronises only few standard set of properties. Custom AAD Properties are not synced to SharePoint online User profiles by default/OOTB ...
Unnie's user avatar
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3 votes

People Picker, User profile, and AD Sync - small clarification

Answering your questions specifically: The people picker pulls from AD. It can be configured to filter on specific OU and Forest, but by default it searches AD. The User Profile Synchronization ...
Matthew McDermott's user avatar
2 votes

SPFieldUserValue.User.Email giving an deleted email address on prod

It looks like the second user profile still exists in SharePoint , so to overcome this issue , In production server just try to remove the second user from User Information List by navigating to http:...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Syncing AD Security Groups to Office 365 to use in SharePoint

AD Security groups can be synced to Office 365 and used in permissioning SharePoint sites. We do it all over the place. To handle changes, you have to update your on prem groups, allow them to ...
Eric Alexander's user avatar
2 votes

Domain users not showing in People Picker

After some research, I got things working with this script, following instructions from here. I had to add my domain to People Picker's set of AD domains that it searches, complete with a domain user ...
NSouth's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016 ADFS authentication, people picker shows AD users and AD group, permissions dont work for AD groups

There are lot of configurations you are missing and will try to explain briefly. You will need to configure ADFS to send out role claims i.e claims representing the groups the current user is a ...
sssreddy's user avatar
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What are the alternatives to authenticate in SharePoint beyond AD to use the Rest API?

For SharePoint Online and username + password authentication, you can try using my sp-request module. It's for SharePoint primarily, however, works for MS Project as well.
Sergei Sergeev's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any impact of Changing OU in AD of Farm Admin or Application Admin accounts?

No changing the OU is not going to affect the environment in any way. It will only affect if you are driving any custom utility based on User profile properties. The best way would be to keep a ...
Yash Kamdar's user avatar
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Workaround for testing to see if a user belongs to Active Directory (AD) group within standard SP Group

As a workaround try to check for user permission on the list first, at least read permission. For checking that use below mentioned API - http://<siteurl>/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('L2')/...
Monica Jagani's user avatar
2 votes

How can I consume an azure function (secured by AD), inside a REACT spfx?

Based on the error you posted, this seems like a timing issue, possibly compounded by trying to implement a function/event from one framework's lifecycle in a different framework. First, the timing ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I add a user/AD Group to SP when the people picker won't display more that 30 results?

The most obvious workaround is to just type more. The more letters you type of the group name, the more distinct the query becomes and the more likely it is to return less than 30 results from AD. In ...
Binggo_ MSFT's user avatar
1 vote

How to exclude former employee name from a SP form (Person or Group aka people picker column)

You have a classic case of an orphaned SharePoint user. SharePoint stores all users as list items in a SharePoint list. If you just want to remove a single orphaned account - open this url http://...
Denis Molodtsov's user avatar
1 vote

Can we have multiple FBA accounts having same email address?

Yes - you can change that in your membership settings in your web.config. requiresUniqueEmail="false"
Michael Han's user avatar
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disable adding user which are not imported from AD

As Marek said, you can limit People Picker to a certain OU in Active Directory. If a Web application is using Windows authentication and the site user directory path is not set, the People Picker ...
Lisa Chen MSFT's user avatar
1 vote

disable adding user which are not imported from AD

You need to configure people picker to search only specific OU in your AD directory. Have a look at this question
Marek Sarad's user avatar
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User unable to see content (links) that others in the same Audience can see

I faced the same issue Cannot set the accessibility of navigation tabs through AD groups few months back. Solution: Grant Replicating Directory Changes Permission in the AD to the account used for ...
Sohail Shaikh's user avatar
1 vote

How to solve below error for sp 2013 on premises setup

In short, The forest root domain name consists of two parts prefix.suffix, you are tried to set the forest root domain name to a single label domain name so you got this error! Read more about ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
1 vote

My site collection not able share with on-premise AD user

In order to have the AD users available on SharePoint, AD synchronization needs to be set up. Before this can be done, User Profile Service Application needs to be created and the base configuration ...
moe's user avatar
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People Picker, User profile, and AD Sync - small clarification

By default SharePoint doesn't get a lot of profile information for the AD and only when a use first accesses the SharePoint Farm. If you want to have full profile information, you need to configure ...
Oak3's user avatar
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Identify user group on item creation

If you have the department recorded in the AD then you can achieve this via workflow in SP Designer. Add the column that you will store the Department in In list workflow add "Set Department to ..."...
unibod50's user avatar
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SharePoint Groups and AD Groups

Assuming what MSDN says about the Users property of SPGroup you should loop this collection to get a list of all entries. Then filter on domain property SPGroup group ... foreach (SPUser user in ...
Celophysis's user avatar
1 vote

Best way to read data from AD and insert in a list in Office 365

You would setup DirSync from your AD to the cloud. That will make the data available in SPO.
Heiko Hatzfeld_MSFT's user avatar
1 vote

Get users of SharePoint security group

You could probably use Microsoft Graph and the List members with adaljs. Should be possible to delegate the permissions needed: Delegated (work or school account) Directory.Read.All, Directory....
Anders Aune's user avatar
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Domain users not showing in People Picker

If user is disabled in AD, it doesn't show up. I figured this after spending 2 hours today... :) Happy SharePointing!
Nitin Jain's user avatar
1 vote

User profile - mapping AD & ADFS

I'm not sure I understand this correctly, but from your description I'm guessing you probably implemented ADFS in an existing farm, where users already exist. While doing so you ended up with ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
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Get Profile Name and Photo of all AD users from AD using CSOM

The SharePoint Client Side Object Model is for SharePoint, not Active Directory. If you want to get info directly from AD you need to use a different approach.
Matthew McDermott's user avatar
1 vote

Searching Users in AD through REST in sharepoint?

you need to ensure your user on on a site like this - then when a success callback is called, you can query site users endpoint. that way, you will get the id and everything else you need. var ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Searching Users in AD through REST in sharepoint?

A little old, but I ran into a similar question these days. This is how I solved it. The method you are looking for is getproperties for. It's described here
relief.melone's user avatar

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