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Sharepoint designer 2013 gets access denied when saving .aspx page on Office 365

there is no support to edit pages via SPD anymore, not for Online version
Melad Batta's user avatar
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Why users are receiving Access Denied error after uploading a file and filling out the metadata

when I provided contribute with delete then the error went away. This is due to versioning was enabled and user needs enough right to delete the old version and replace it with the new one.
Monica Trevino's user avatar
2 votes

Sharepoint online app, Access denied

Double Click your AppManifest.xml and hit the Permissions tab. Add the Site collection and request Full Control for your app
Michael Colbs's user avatar
2 votes

Access denied on editing page in Sharepoint 2013

Confirm the following: Your masterpage is checked in & published Your page layouts are achecked & published Your users have read access to the Master Page gallery Your service accounts have ...
moe's user avatar
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2 votes

Custom Access Denied Page

Elevated permission will solve this issue. Make sure you create SPSite and SPWeb in the context of elevated scope as below SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { using (SPSite site = ...
Amal Hashim's user avatar
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Modifying AccessDenied SharePoint page

For SharePoint 2010, this is the way to create your custom page. Quick and dirty way: Go to 14 hive folder and create a folder "CustomPages" Put your custom .aspx or HTML file there. For example, ...
Denis Molodtsov's user avatar
2 votes

Modifying AccessDenied SharePoint page

What if you just disable access requests?
Denis Molodtsov's user avatar
2 votes

How to grant full site access to self?

Follow below steps: - Login to the site using Farm Account OR Admin Account. - Go To Site Action >> Site Settings >> Site Collection Administrator - Add your user name to Site Collection ...
Rohit Waghela's user avatar
2 votes

System.UnauthorizedAccessException Access Denied REST

This is a known issue with this endpoint. It works only if you are site admin or owner. Instead of /_api/web/webs endpoint, you need to use /_api/web/getsubwebsfilteredforcurrentuser endpoint. It ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

Turned on publishing features, but can't save "Navigation" site settings?

Looks like a side effect of the scripting capabilities being turned off in your tenant. Whenever you create a new tenant, the custom scripting capabilities are turned off by default. Now, it appears ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

Access denied in subsite

I believe even with custom deployed web parts, the deployment location is the Web Part Gallery located at: ~sitecollection/_catalogs/wp/Forms/AllItems.aspx Since that gallery inherits from parent, ...
BigRaj's user avatar
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Access denied in subsite

The parent site or top level site of a site collection holds all of the "standard" bits for the whole site collection. All users In the site clloction will need read access to portions of the root ...
Jammin4CO's user avatar
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1 vote

Access denied after upgrade from SP 2016 to SP 2019

Can other users open the migrated sites successfully? Or are it just farm-account and site-collection admins? Does the service-account used for the application pool have db_owner permissions for the ...
J. Tihon's user avatar
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Access denied after upgrade from SP 2016 to SP 2019

Try to check if your user is a member of the owners group and the owners group has permissions on the masterpage gallery. It should be set via Site collection admin, but just to verify.
Christof Riedel's user avatar
1 vote

Access denied in subsite

If you are using SharePoint web parts. Then make sure User should have atleast read permission on Web Part Gallery.
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

access denied after setting up superuser

setting up the Object cache is 2 steps process: add the superuser and super reader in the Policy of Web applications Run powershell script to set the super user and super reader in web application's ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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SharePoint giving a user Access Denied suddenly after she has had access to the intranet Share Point site

I've encountered this a number of times at work. If you're using SharePoint Online, I've found that a lot of people are trying to log in via their personal Microsoft account, which happens to have the ...
Steve Corey's user avatar
1 vote

SharePoint 2013 Powershell: Exception calling "AddPublishingPage" with "2" argument(s): "Access is denied"

Check below two things: You need to use "SharePoint 2013 Management Shell", not using "Windows PowerShell". Make sure you have a CustomPageLayout.aspx file in "Master Page Gallery" library. If not, ...
imp. MSFT's user avatar
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Office 365 global admin still get access error on navigation elements

Looks like the scripting capabilities is turned off in your site. Whenever you create a new site, the custom scripting capabilities are turned off by default. You need to enable the custom scripting ...
imp. MSFT's user avatar
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Issue with copy link function within a SharePoint library

I guess you have go through this web and maybe replace the "guesstaccess.aspx" to "download.aspx" is set as a workaround . You can also try the workaround here : Publish the affected document. ...
Anthony Wang MSFT's user avatar
1 vote

Yet another ADFS issue - can't create sub sites even as site colleciton admin

I had another user, who was also a site collection admin, test adding a site. He was able to do it. It appears there was something corrupt with my user profile. I deleted my account from the user ...
steveareeno's user avatar
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1 vote gives access denied exception

Contribute level permission is not sufficient to get the details you are looking for. Contribute permission basically entails (as per MSDN) - "Enables users to manage personal views, edit items and ...
Satyajit Paul's user avatar
1 vote

Access Denied Non-OAuth request. IsAuthenticated=False, UserIdentityName=, ClaimsCount=0

With the given information, it might be possible that the "Claims to Windows Token Service" has been stopped. Please check if it is started in CentralAdministration -> System Settings -> Manage ...
MHeld's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Configuration Wizard "Access Denied" on Step 5 "Failed to Register SharePoint Services"

So, I was able to finally get into central admin by using the central admin application pool identity. Being that the Authentication Provider for central admin was still 'Windows' I had to add the ...
TonyV's user avatar
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Users access denied in Project Web App 2013 site

You should be aware of using Project Server permission mode differs from the default SharePoint mode in assigning the user to group and category rather than default SharePoint group. I know it's ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a way to deny the global administrator access to a specific folder/library?

As said, you can not deny the Global admin to access the documents. But what you can do is put the control in place. We have auditing enabled on the sites / Document libraries which give us the ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
  • 56.9k
1 vote

User with Full Control Permission is getting Access Denied Message

I had experienced this same situation. One user in an AD group with Full Control would get an "Access Denied" error when adding a "Link to a Document", but could perform all other full control tasks ...
Art3misPrime's user avatar
1 vote

User with Full Control Permission is getting Access Denied Message

I encountered this issue with a client today. Firstly I noticed that the Master Page Gallery had unique permissions and secondly what finally resolved my issue was discovering that the site was using ...
ttnewell's user avatar
1 vote

How to block columns in a file

Permissions are not given by columns, they are given by item. So, if you don't want a user to edit a certain item/list you have to change the permissions on that item/list. Here is how to do this: ...
ranbo's user avatar
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