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The REST (Representational State Transfer) interface in provides access to lists and libraries as a relational data service. A core concept of any RESTful interface is the resource, and in SharePoint Foundation, lists and items are represented as HTTP resources that can be addressed by remote URLs.

1 vote

Communicating with REST web service in SharePoint

list of SharePoint 2013 using REST API. … To perform Rest Calls you may need to add JQuery Reference on the Page as well. <script src=""></script> …
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar
1 vote

Getting sub sites using rest

$.ajax({ url: "http://<site url>/_api/web/webs", type: "GET", headers: { "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" }, success: function (data) { console.log(data.d.results); }, error: fun …
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar
0 votes

get list item from SharePoint online 365 using rest api

You can try .done() method to achieve your synchronous effect on your calls. For Example: function AjaxCall(url) { var call = $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", headers: { "accept": …
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar
2 votes

Retrieve all sites and all subsites from the SharePoint REST API

You can use below code to achieve above functionality : Below code fetches Subsites of root site and their subsite mentioning their parents as well. Hope this solves your issue //common Ajax call fu …
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar
2 votes

Pull data from particular subsite and show on root site

API to fetch data and display same using HTML content Now exact answer to your Question: Fetch Current user and Country using JSOM or Rest API Use CAML Query to filter data from Rest Call to subsite … Use Data received from Rest Call to display the same using HTML Tutorial Link for Rest API :Code Project REST API Tutorial …
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar
0 votes

How do I define assign the results of an ajax call to an object property using defineProperty?

You can make your ajax call synchronous by using async: false. But that is not good practice to follow. Async:False = Codes paused. (Other codes are waiting for this to finish..) Other than async:fa …
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar
2 votes

How to get list of all the pages (.aspx ) from a site and all its subsites using REST api or...

You can use Jquery and Rest Api to perform the same. …
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar
1 vote

How to consume SP REST using only JavaScript\CSS\HTML5 (from CRM, outside Sharepoint, same AD)

To retrieve data from SharePoint using REST you can use below link as reference: To display data in Tabular … You just need to pass JSON format data from Rest API to jQuery DataTable. …
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar
1 vote

Retrieve List Item from a SP List item folder using CSOM

You can use Rest API to fetch all items from SharePoint list. Below is sample code to fetch all items from SharePoint list using Rest API. … call Working with folders and files with REST
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar