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SharePoint workflow refers to the automation of a business process by step by step execution of steps. In many cases the workflow instances have indeterminate delays and overall duration due to the necessity to interact with human users. This differentiates workflow from other means of automation such as Event Receivers. There are two types of workflows - Sequential Workflows - State Machine Workflow

1 vote
1 answer

SP 2013 - What's the point of folders in regular lists?

But I cannot for the life of me find out how to move an item (NOT a document) into a folder using a workflow. I have tried setting the "Folder" value, but that doesn't seem to Work. …
Morten K's user avatar
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1 vote

Select another list item based on multiple conditions

It can be done, but you would need to rely on calling the REST API from a designer workflow. In plain words you would need to first make a call to the L2 list with the filter values. … In your workflow start by creating a new dictionary which includes two items ("Accept" and "Content-Type") both should have the following value: application/json;odata=verbose Next you need to make …
Morten K's user avatar
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1 vote

How do Sharepoint workflow triggers work?

Manual is basically the user presses a button (like a custom action) On Change is whenever a user changes anything on the current item On Create is whenever a user creates a nw item (E.g. in a list or …
Morten K's user avatar
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2 answers

Workflow to read data from external list

I get Unauthorized as response Call the lists(guid’[guid of the external list]’)/Items endpoint using a workflow. … It would seem that my workflow is simply missing permissions to execute the query, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what I might have overlooked. …
Morten K's user avatar
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1 answer

Ignoring required fields when updating item using a workflow

Is it in any way possible for a workflow to ignore required fields in an item? … I have a case where I would like a workflow to update items in another list under certain circumstances - however I cannot be 100% sure all required fields in the items are in fact not null (Since the …
Morten K's user avatar
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Ignoring required fields when updating item using a workflow

It would seem if you enable content types and only in the content type configuration set fields as mandatory (As opposed to the setting under each column) the workflow does in fact ignore any requiremetns …
Morten K's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to use a custom approval workflow (Copy of default)

I have made a copy of the workflow as described here: How to Copy an Approval Workflow and Retain Its Custom Task Form Now! … How on earth do I choose to start the newly created custom approval workflow? I have published it as a new global workflow (As the changes I will be making is needed globally). …
Morten K's user avatar
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How to use a custom approval workflow (Copy of default)

Ok I've searched high and low and it seems you can't start your own approval workflows from another workflow. Which in my case makes it anything but reuseable. …
Morten K's user avatar
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Adding automatic filters on a list in SP Online when the user access the list

You don't need a workflow for this. …
Morten K's user avatar
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1 answer

Copy list attachment to document library using REST

Is it possible to copy an attachment on a list item to a document library within the same site using SPD workflows and the REST api? I have tried using the copyto function, but I cannot get it to wor …
Morten K's user avatar
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2 votes

Copy list attachment to document library using REST

Sometimes getting away and coming back wth fresh eyes is a good thing. I have made it work using the copyto function. /_api/web/getfilebyserverrelativeurl('folder/filename.txt')/copyto(strnewurl='sit …
Morten K's user avatar
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Unable to start a workflow with elevated permissions

What Marco is talking about is only related to starting the workflow under the system account. … You could try unticking the "Automatically update the workflow status to the current stage name" - I have found this often prevents the workflow from running for user with limited permissions to the site …
Morten K's user avatar
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Calling a 2010 workflow from an app step

If you have done that have you also granted full permission to the workflow "app" by entering the xml in appinv.aspx? … If not that most properly is the reason as the app hasn't been granted any permission to actually start the workflow. …
Morten K's user avatar
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Why is my workflow sending multiple emails to the defined user?

The workflow kicks off every single time the item is changed. …
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Access denied while creating subsite from workflow

Have you granted the workflow full crontrol on collecteion level? If not that's more likely the reason. Find the workflow app id (Between | and @) here: /_layouts/15/appprincipals.aspx? … Now in the workflow put the http request in an App step Full guide here: …
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