There is one way: You can remove the placeholder text from Word's XML. I have found out, that when you rename docx file to zip file and unpack to some folder, there are XML Folder\word\glossary\document.xml and Folder\word\document.xml For each PlaceHolder (in glossary\document.xml) there is some XML Node (<w:docPart>), where you can find this elements <w:t>[State]</w:t>. Same elements elements <w:t>[State]</w:t> look in document.xml. When you remove "[State]" from this elements all document properties will be empty. Unfortunatelly all document properties... <w:docPart> <w:docPartPr> <w:name w:val="6B065C21091C4A3EB2ED303418489498"/> <w:category> <w:name w:val="General"/> <w:gallery w:val="placeholder"/> </w:category> <w:types> <w:type w:val="bbPlcHdr"/> </w:types> <w:behaviors> <w:behavior w:val="content"/> </w:behaviors> <w:guid w:val="{C72BE424-6B80-4344-9F1D-E3C0E8226E6B}"/> </w:docPartPr> <w:docPartBody> <w:p w:rsidR="00967279" w:rsidRDefault="008A1C99"> <w:r w:rsidRPr="00EE3CA7"> <w:rPr> <w:rStyle w:val="PlaceholderText"/> </w:rPr> <w:t>[State]</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> </w:docPartBody> </w:docPart>