I am using sharepoint 2010. We have webApplicationA. On this webapplication I have stored a infopath form in the FormServerTemplates library. This is the url of this xsn file:

> http://WebApplicationA.lan/FormServerTemplates/myInfoPathFormV53.xsn

On webApplicationB I have instances of this infopath form. This is the url of one of the items:

> http://WebApplicationB.lan/safety/_layouts/FormServer.aspx?XmlLocation=/safety/Ongevallen%20registratie/OngevalMelding%20-%202012-07-04T13_34_59.xml&Source=http%3A%2F%2Frecordcenter%2Erai%2Elan%2Fsafety%2FOngevallen%2520registratie%2FForms%2FAllItems%2Easpx&DefaultItemOpen=1&ClientInstalled=false&Source=http%3A%2F%2Frecordcenter%2Erai%2Elan%2Fsafety%2FOngevallen%2520registratie%2FForms%2FAllItems%2Easpx&DefaultItemOpen=1

When I try to open them I got this error:

> The following location is not accessible, because it is in a different
> site collection:
> http://WebApplicationA.lan/FormServerTemplates/Ongevallen%20Formulier%20V53.xsn.   
> Click Try Again to attempt to load the form again. If this error
> persists, contact the support team for the Web site. 
> Click Close to exit this message. 
> Show error details

In the uls I found this error:

MetaInformationByUrl:CrossSite check failed for site

In the central admin I have enabled the infopath option "Cross-Domain Access for User Form Templates".

Why do I got this error? Is it not possible to reach the xsn file in another web application in the same farm?


When I go to the webApplicationA where the items are comming from. And go to the content type settings I see this template path: /FormServerTemplates/Ongevallen Formulier V55.xsn

So there is a differance in versions. How can I fix this?