**Edit 1**: With the image provided, it's not possible to make it as you want. Please, read my last comment.

Well, you could create calculated columns in your list. These calculated columns would get data from each column, so, using this formula:

    =MID([Method], FIND(">", [Method], 1)-1, FIND("<", [Method], 1)-1)

In this way, you could get the text between tags, because `MID` function combined with `FIND` could get the text between tags. In that example you would get the text from <*Method*> tag.

So, once you have the correct text en each calculated column, you can create a view in that list with these calculated columns, and when you export you will see the correct columns in the Excel. 


 - [FIND][1] function.
 - [MID][2] function.

  [1]: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/find-function-06213f91-b5be-4544-8b0b-2fd5a775436f
  [2]: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/mid-function-2eba57be-0c05-4bdc-bf81-5ecf4421eb8a