#Microsoft disabled all this in versions 2016 and later, it still works in older SP version and non-Modern Experiences

##See: https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/218102/june-13th-2017-microsoft-blocked-handling-html-markup-in-sharepoint-calculated-f

**Original answer:**

If you don't mind:

* Always obeying the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 way of doing things
* writing a separate JavaScript file
* Uploading it somewhere in SharePoint
* Creating a JSlink connection everywhere you want to execute it
* or messing around with extra webparts

**then CSR is the best option**

If you:

* Are not afraid to use something that has worked since 2010 (and works in SP2010)
* do not want to create separate files for display logic
* want a solution that works no matter where a View Column is displayed
* want a solution that can be wrapped in a List Template
* works even if there are multiple Views of the same List on One page

**Then you could add the JavaScript logic to a Calculated Column.**

Set the datatype to Number and it will evaluate your HTML/JavaScript

Create a Calculated Column "ColorStatus"
Paste the Formula:

    "<img src=""/_layouts/images/blank.gif""  "
    &" onload=""{"
    &"  this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor="
    &"  ({"
    &"    'Not Started':'#FFF1AD',"
    &"    'Draft':'pink',"
    &"    'Reviewed':'lightgreen',"
    &"    'Scheduled':'lightcoral',"
    &"    'Published':'none',"
    &"    'Final':'limegreen',"
    &"    'Expired':'indianred'"
    &"    })['"&[Status]&"']"
    &" }"">"

And set the Datatype to number.  
Add to Default View  
Do **not** add to Content Types (or the Formula will show up as text on Forms) this works in Views only!!

Detail descscription on How it works at: http://www.viewmaster365.com/#/How

Of course there are drawbacks;  
biggest one is that the HTML/Javascript contents shows up as text in Alert messages

The fun part is you can use all you SharePoint Formula skills on the *&[Status]&* part to get any result you want.