We've two subsites (IN and US) in one farm. We're planning to move one subsite (US) to another SPFarm.

      `Before moving: http://mysite1/IN/ and http://mysite1/US/`
      `After moving US: http://mysite1/US/`

Note: we're using SP2013.

But we want to retain the same URL `(http://mysite1/US/)`? 

Please suggest some solution. Is it something to do with IIS url redirect? If yes, Please let me know how ?

To make it clear

**FARM One**

`http://mysite.com` is the top-level site.

`http://mysite.com/IN` is one subsite
`http://mysite.com/US` is another subsite

We're planning to move US subsite of FARM one to FARM two

**FARM two**


Is it possible to have the same domain name and URL after moving?

I'm not combining two subsites and yes, Intranet.
