I would like to get a specific item by ID. I'm really stuck how I can retrieve this item. I called the list and tried to save it in an object and then should in the render() function. Here is my code sp far: import * as React from 'react'; import styles from './Webpartprojectsw.module.scss'; import { ISolypListItemState } from './ISolypListItemState'; import { IWebpartprojectswProps } from './IWebpartprojectswProps'; import { escape } from '@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset'; import * as jquery from 'jquery'; import { TextField, PrimaryButton } from '@fluentui/react'; import {ISPHttpClientOptions, SPHttpClient,SPHttpClientResponse} from '@microsoft/sp-http'; import { ISolypListItem } from './ISolypListItem'; export default class Webpartprojectsw extends React.Component<IWebpartprojectswProps,ISolypListItemState> { static websiteurl: string=""; public constructor(props:IWebpartprojectswProps, state: ISolypListItemState){ super(props); this.state={ status:"ready", SolypProjectItem:{ Id: 0, Title: "", StartDate:"", EndDate:"", ProjectPhase:"", TrafficLight:"" } }; Webpartprojectsw.websiteurl=this.props.websiteurl; }; public componentDidMount(): void { let reactcontexthandler = this; console.log("Link zur Seite:" + Webpartprojectsw.websiteurl); jquery.ajax({ url:`${Webpartprojectsw.websiteurl}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('ProjectStatusList')/items(1)`, type: "GET", headers: {'Accept':'application/json;odata=verbose;'}, success: function (resultData){ console.log(resultData); reactcontexthandler.setState({ SolypProjectItem: resultData.d.results[0] }); }, error: function (jqXHR,textStatus,errorThrown){ } }); } public render(): React.ReactElement<IWebpartprojectswProps> { return ( <div> {this.state.SolypProjectItem.Title} {this.state.SolypProjectItem.StartDate} {this.state.SolypProjectItem.EndDate} </div> ); } } Here is my interface: export interface ISolypListItem{ Id: number; Title: string; StartDate: string; EndDate: string; ProjectPhase: string; TrafficLight: string; } and my State: import { ISolypListItem } from "./ISolypListItem"; export interface ISolypListItemState{ status: string; SolypProjectItems: ISolypListItem[]; SolypProjectItem: ISolypListItem; } I don't exatly how I can put the retrieved element into the object and then use in the hmtl. Best regards Matthias