I am developing a `SPFx extension` that will be deployed on the `SharePoint online` site.

I used `pnpm` to install the dependency, but my colleague used `npm`, and he reported to me that the `gulp serve` after installing the dependency through npm did not load SPFx extension properly (the terminal did not have any error message).

I cloned a copy of my code and ran into problems with npm installation in the same environment, Finally, when my code uses the `react-dom` correlation function, it will failed and console output an error: 

Could not load vtc-tl-menu-application-customizer in require. TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')

When I dereference the SPFx extension will work properly

I tried to find out if anyone else had the same [problem](https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-docs/issues/9276) as me 

From the discussion of this issue it seems that the dependent versions do not correspond, but I don't think there is a problem with my dependency installation

"dependencies": {
    "@fluentui/react": "8.120.3",
    "@microsoft/decorators": "1.18.2",
    "@microsoft/sp-application-base": "1.18.2",
    "@microsoft/sp-core-library": "1.18.2",
    "@microsoft/sp-dialog": "1.18.2",
    "@pnp/sp": "3.24.0",
    "rc-drawer": "^7.2.0",
    "react": "^17.0.1",
    "react-dom": "^17.0.1",
    "tslib": "2.3.1"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@microsoft/eslint-config-spfx": "1.18.2",
    "@microsoft/eslint-plugin-spfx": "1.18.2",
    "@microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-4.7": "0.1.0",
    "@microsoft/sp-build-web": "1.18.2",
    "@microsoft/sp-module-interfaces": "1.18.2",
    "@rushstack/eslint-config": "2.5.1",
    "@types/react": "17.0.1",
    "@types/react-dom": "17.0.1",
    "@types/webpack-env": "~1.15.2",
    "ajv": "^6.12.5",
    "eslint": "8.7.0",
    "gulp": "4.0.2",
    "typescript": "4.7.4"

I also tried using m365 to diagnose the problem:

PS > m365 spfx doctor -o text

CLI for Microsoft 365 SharePoint Framework doctor
Verifying configuration of your system for working with the SharePoint Framework

√ SharePoint Framework v1.18.2
√ Node v16.20.0
√ yo v5.0.0
√ gulp-cli v2.3.0
× typescript v4.7.4 installed in the project

But it doesn't seem to help...

My dependent environment

PS > npm list -g
C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\nvs\default -> .\
├── @microsoft/[email protected]
├── @pnp/[email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
└── [email protected]

I don't have a clue, so I'm here to ask for your help