I'm having a nightmare with using environment variables in my SPFx project. I have: - a .env in the root of my project - variables within this file all starting with REACT_APP_ - references to these variables using process.env.REACT_APP_ - restarted gulp, cleaned and built many times - installed dotenv-webpack - installed dotenv - added 'node' to the types in tsconfig.json - confirmed I can read process.env.NODE_ENV Any variables inside my .env file just appear as 'undefined' when I try reading them and view with console.log. Is there something I am missing? I thought this was an easy thing to set up. .env: ``` REACT_APP_TEMPLATE_LIST='text' ``` WebPart.ts: ``` console.log(process.env.REACT_APP_TEMPLATE_LIST) ``` This reads as undefined. Please help!