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SharePoint Multiselect Choice field Saving using PnPjs

I want to save multiselect dropdown in sharepoint field. I already referred few results in this site. Choice values in SharePoint : Test1,Test2,Test3,Test4,Test5.

From the custom dropdown choice field user will select multiple values i want to save the data in multiselect choice field in sharepoint list.

Now am getting results as var testvalue="'Test1','Test2'";

$pnp.sp.web.lists.getByTitle("TestList").items.add({ Testchoicefield:{results:[testvalue]}, LastModifiedByDisplayName:_DisplayUserName, LastModifiedByUserId:_CurrentUserID, LastModifiedOn:_modifiedon

}).then(function(resultdata) { idvalue =; ShowMsgaddupdate("Data Saved Successfully", "", "Ok");

But am not able to save the item. Its throwing error. could you please help me.