Is there a way to hide certain column from DispForm based on if the current user is part of a Security Group?  Unfortunately, the security group contains **Active Directory** group not individual names thats why I was hoping `target audience` would work.

Here's what I've done so far:

In DispForm.aspx, added a content editor web part linked to a txt file with

    <div id="hidValue"></div>

Added a `target audience` in the CEWP. 

In SharePoint Designer, I edited the custom `DispForm.aspx` and added the following 

    <xsl:variable name="varInfo" select="@AdditionalInfo"/>
    <script language="javascript">
		var i =<xsl:value-of select="$varInfo"/>;
		alert('<xsl:value-of select="$varInfo"/>');

The alert works but when I attempted to populate the `<div id="hidValue"></div>` with any of below lines, none of them worked:

    document.getElementById("hidValue").innerHTML = '<xsl:value-of select="$varInfo"/>';
    document.getElementById("hidValue").innerHTML = {$varInfo};

Basically, I want the value of `@AdditionalInfo` hidden to all except for the target audience.

I also tried below code which identifies the current user's group but does not work if user is part of an AD group inside the SharePoint group:

    var ckUserGrp = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl +'/_api/web/currentuser/groups'
    $.getJSON(ckUserGrp, function (data) {
	$.each(data.value, function (key, value) {
		var grpName = value.Title;