When the GANTT view is being used, how could one resize the columns using jQuery without using the generated controlid ([like in this example][1])?  I'm looking for a way to do this in a re-usable javascript function.

I'm thinking to be able to find a control that has `ListViewWebPartJSGrid` in its id. It is possible that there would be more than one on the page, but that would work out.


Okay, I figured out how to fetch the control id (you can see the color change):

	var $trackingGridID = $("[id$=_ListViewWebPartJSGrid_leftpane_mainTable]").attr("id");
    $('#' + trackingGridID).css("background-color", "blue");

    //this will fetch:  ctl00_ctl21_g_c3e5fead_d466_4448_9648_dcb92778921d_ListViewWebPartJSGrid_leftpane_mainTable

Now that I have the ID, it is a matter of figuring out how to modify the column widths...

But I want to do something like this:

    function SetColumnWidths(column1, column2, column3)...

  [1]: https://aajtechblogs.wordpress.com/2012/05/02/adjust-the-column-width-of-a-project-tasks-view-of-a-project-site-in-sharepoint-2010/