Try below code:
String.format("{0:MMM} {0:dd} {0:yyyy}",new Date(ows_Date));
In the new Date()
function, pass the column name of the date field
Excellent reference - Changing date format using javascript
Update - you need to write a custom function as below:
var monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
function convertSPDate(d) {
// split apart the date and time
var xDate = d.split(" ")[0];
var xTime = d.split(" ")[1];
// split apart the hour, minute, & second
var xTimeParts = xTime.split(":");
var xHour = xTimeParts[0];
var xMin = xTimeParts[1];
var xSec = xTimeParts[2];
// split apart the year, month, & day
var xDateParts = xDate.split("-");
var xYear = xDateParts[0];
var xMonth = xDateParts[1];
var xDay = xDateParts[2];
var dDate = new Date(xYear, xMonth-1, xDay, xHour, xMin, xSec);
return dDate;
This will return the spservices column to a date object.
After that, you can use it as below:
var convertedDate = convertSPDate($(this).attr("ows_Date"));
var formattedDate = monthNames[convertedDate.getMonth()] + ' ' + convertedDate.getDate() + ' ' + convertedDate.getFullYear();
Modified from here - jQuery function for formatting dates in SharePoint with SPServices
xMonth modified to xMonth-1