Recently we have patched our SharePoint 2013 on-premise farm to Configuration database version: 15.0.4763.1000. We found that after patch all site collections' popularity trend report shows zero count after the date of patch. The counts before patch date are correct.
I cannot find any bug report about it. Could you please advise where to check?
UPDATE: I checked the EventStore folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Data\Office Server\Analytics_{GUID}\EventStore
) contains folders with date before patch. So it means the patch make the EventStore stop update. Also I checked the Usage File Creation at D:\LOGS\RequestUsage\
. The ImportProgress.ini
file is up-to-date according to last modified date.
In the WSS_Logging database I query: Select top 20 userlogin,RowCreatedTime,DocumentPathOriginalCasing from dbo.RequestUsage (nolock) where RequestType='GET' order by RowCreatedTime desc The last valid record RowCreatedTime is dated before patch.