I've successfully created a new People display template (Item_Person.html) and associated result type, and used it on the peopleresults.aspx page. Now, I'm trying to achieve the same effect on the results.aspx page. According to @matthew-mcdermott in [this post][1], it is using the Item_Person_CompactHorizontal.html display template so I've copied that template and created a corresponding result type. However, I cannot get the custom display template to be used on the results.aspx page. If I explicitly choose that template, it will show my changes but it does not when I select the template based on the result type. Moreover, I cannot seem to locate an existing search service result type that utilizes the Item_Person_CompactHorizontal template, so perhaps this customization is not possible without editing the original template? I've also documented my issue [here][2], with screen shots. [1]: http://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/116572/edit-people-template-on-results-aspx [2]: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/4425e9ab-0daf-47b9-89aa-18442e27a64d/o365-customize-resultsaspx-people-display-template?forum=sharepointsearch&prof=required