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How do I get the list title to use inside xslt?

I'm using a script to create a button, so that the user can create new form: <script type="text/javascript"> function displayLayover(url) { var options = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions(...
user70367's user avatar
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Filter styled list webpart using XSL stylesheet

So I have .css and .xsl code turning an out of the box SP calendar list into a pretty events list. I have a different image for each month and my code is long but works perfectly. I also have a ...
KimBrian's user avatar
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How can I set lookup values to a XSLT variable and call the variable to display according to condition?

I am trying to declare a variable and set the xsl:value-of lookup column and later compare the stored value using conditions. I am facing issues while declaring and calling variables. This I am using ...
Bibhudutta Bhanja's user avatar
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How can you move up the paging buttons

The default location of the Paging buttons is all the way down(see picture below). Is there a way to move them over all the way UP, so that users don't need to scroll down every time they want to ...
Luis Carvalho's user avatar
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My first row keeps repeating - <xsl:template match="Row">

I am getting data from a list with xsl and creating a nice print preview of that data. The table I am creating is correct except my first row keeps repeating (it has the column name and it is only ...
ABB's user avatar
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Using Rows/Row twice in xslt

I want to use Rows/Row twice but I have no idea how to do it. So I just wrote Rows/Li but it doesn't work. I have two different functions but I don't know how to reference them. How can I change ...
e.ozmen's user avatar
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