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customize list view web part using custom xslt in SharePoint Online

Inside our SharePoint 2010 we do some list view modifications using XSLT, similar to the one described in this link @
John John's user avatar
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How to modify XSLT in customised ItemStyle.xsl to display more than one image in a CQWP

Thank you for taking the time to read my question. I'm customizing a SP2013 CQWP. I've exported and amended it to connect to CustomItemStyle.xsl, and reimported it. I can access all the fields I ...
NCCadm's user avatar
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Sum Multiple items if condition met

This is a document library. I'm trying to have calculations in two fields (Year 1 Total and Year Order Complete). I'm trying to use the condition "When Team = Axis Deer or Some Other Choice and ...
Frank Collazo's user avatar
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PDF document Icons missing in XSLT webpart

In one of the page in where i've XSLT webpart which will populate the documents from the library and show it in table format. Now the issue here is , the icons of the document are not populating ...
Jegan Baskaran's user avatar
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How can I set lookup values to a XSLT variable and call the variable to display according to condition?

I am trying to declare a variable and set the xsl:value-of lookup column and later compare the stored value using conditions. I am facing issues while declaring and calling variables. This I am using ...
Bibhudutta Bhanja's user avatar
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Hyperlink in External List webpart isn't working

So I was able to add <a> <xsl:attribute name="href">....</xsl:attribute>View</a> in my xslt code for modifying my external list. It works when I view the list ...
Rox's user avatar
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How can I put an external link using xml/xslt [closed]

I have this xml <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="almacen1.xsl"?> <almacen> <iva>1.21</iva> <producto id="p0001"> <nombre>SET DE LLAVES ...
Lordpascal's user avatar
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Customize Content Query XSLT

We are using a content query webpart on a page to show some related documents. It needs to be updated immediately when the page is updated so the 15 minute search web part delay is not an option for ...
Rothrock's user avatar
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Content Query Web Part - Get each task's site

Using a custom content query web part and XSL file in SharePoint 2016, I am bringing in tasks across a site collection. I would like to bring in each task's associated site. Using this article as a ...
cfoster5's user avatar
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I need XSLT to filter XML by passing node values with pipe symbol

My input xml: <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> &lt;InfoReturn> &lt;LicenseInfo> &lt;licenseType>1&lt;/licenseType> &lt;...
Siva Katta's user avatar
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Programmatically add multiple xslt list view web parts pointing to specific subfolder within a sharepoint library

I have a list of items linked to a library in sharepoint. I have created a custom rendering logic for list items and would like to add to each item a xsltlistviewwebpart pointing to a specific ...
sico's user avatar
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Get email address of a 'person or group' field in dataform webpart using XSLT

I am trying to retrieve the email address of a person or group field. I have tried the expression: value-of select= 'substring-before(substring-after(@person, concat("sip=",$dvt_apos)), $dvt_apos)' ...
Chandk's user avatar
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XSLT IF Statement

I have a custom Content Query web part that I'm using to display my JQuery Q&A functionality. I'm using a XSL file to determine what display as my question and answer headers. What I want to do ...
cod3r_jim's user avatar
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XSL Item Style in Content Query gets replaced by 'default' for visitors

I have a page with a Content Query WP that retrieves and displays a series of items from a list (blog posts). I have edited ItemStyle.xsl for this list and created a brand new item style that I then ...
jeancallisti's user avatar
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Is there a way to force the sharepoint RSS viewer web part to get the latest 5 RSS feed items

I added an RSS viewer web part to our sharepoint online site page, and i define this RSS feed url + i define to get 5 items as follow:- now i thought that i ...
John John's user avatar
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Incrementing a date in a dataview by 1

I need to increase a date field by 1 day. The xslt I have which displays this date is: <xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(pubDate),1041,'yyyy年 MM月 dd日')"/> I tried to add one ...
chakri's user avatar
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CQWP ItemStyle: how to display background of description with conditional formatting

I have 3 elements in a field and I would like the CQWP to display red as a bg colour of the field or amber or green. I guess the starting point is <xsl:if test="RAG = 'Red'">background-color: #...
susan's user avatar
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How to add 1 day in Date using XSLT

I have a scenario like fetching data from rss feed.every thing is working fine except date field,the date value is not displaying properly(showing 1 day back). How can I achieve this using XSLT 1.0. ...
chakri's user avatar
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Overriding xsl templates in SharePoint 2016

I am attempting to customize the aggregate section of a grouped list that I have created through a schema.xml in a Visual Studio project. I have created a mapped folder to {SharePointRoot}\Template\...
DrewB's user avatar
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remove ;# characters and number from xsl value (person /People group)- itemsyle.xsl

I'm retrieving like this <xsl:call-template name="RemoveHtml"> <xsl:with-param name="String" select="@Person.title"/> </xsl:call-template> Result looks like ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Use custom XSL for the default view of a list (Allitems.aspx)

I was able to successfully add a custom xsl to the webpart and render it the way I wanted. (I borrowed the example from here:
photonacl's user avatar
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Translate a boolean value to show yes/no in a dataformwebpart

I have a dataformwebpart which gets data from a SharePoint list. I am trying to show a yes/no field in the webpart but it displays 1 for yes and 0 for a no. I would like it to displayed yes and no ...
Chandk's user avatar
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Joining 2 lists into a single view

So, I've come across a slight issue that I don't know how to fix in SharePoint 2013, I've been able to join 2 lists into a single view through the use of a Data source, whilst this has provided me ...
Gareth James's user avatar
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What is the XSLT query to get items which have date greater than or equal today

I haven't worked on XSL. Scenario: We have a list which has a column called expiry. We want to display only those records which have expiry date greater than or equal to today's date. Trials: ...
shoab's user avatar
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Display or edit field conditionally based on dates (javascript/xslt)

I'm trying to make a condition such that: If date in field is before current date or equals to current date, user can tick the checkbox Otherwise, any fields with dates after the current date will be ...
Denise's user avatar
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How do I get the list title to use inside xslt?

I'm using a script to create a button, so that the user can create new form: <script type="text/javascript"> function displayLayover(url) { var options = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions(...
user70367's user avatar
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Set Display:block by default for a slideshow

I'm using a picture library to display ppt slides inside a Slideshow presentation. It looks like this: Now my problem is that the first slide is always set on Display:none and I have to click first ...
user70367's user avatar
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Get current site URL or picture URL from Picture Library

I created an xsl file to change the appearence of the Picture Library. As I had troubles to get the PictureURL I took the value of the "FileLeafRef" to get the filename of the picture. Than I use the ...
user70367's user avatar
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Set xsl variable using javascript function [closed]

I am trying to assign a random number generated by javascript function to a xsl variable which will be used to construct a query string for redirect purpose. Example of code: <xsl:variable name ="...
Neejesh's user avatar
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XSLT: Display choice field value

I am editing ItemStyle.xsl to display documents in a web part. I need to display the value of a choice field whose name unfortunately contains a forward slash and I don't get it to display its value. ...
bash.d's user avatar
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Javascript not working in IE but work works in Chrome

I had a long search and until I found a working script to use the logged in user id. Finally I have found the following Javascript code, put it in XSL to be used in an XMl viewer web part: <script ...
vilmarci's user avatar
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Content Query Webpart (CQWP) Pagination in SPO

I am trying to paginate a CQWP results set but I am struggling with XSLT. Is there an easy way to do it? Should I work directly on the ItemStyle.xsl? Should I use jQuery instead? I can't believe ...
Paul R's user avatar
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Customize displaying field in list view

I have a custom field for storing an attachment name. I'm trying to display url for this attachment on list view instead of just the name. I've tried to overide GetFieldValue in field definition ...
bineros's user avatar
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Filter styled list webpart using XSL stylesheet

So I have .css and .xsl code turning an out of the box SP calendar list into a pretty events list. I have a different image for each month and my code is long but works perfectly. I also have a ...
KimBrian's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2010 Conditional XSL Style based on field values?

I am working on a Sharepoint 2010 site. I have a content query webpart with a custom itemstyle template. The items pulled in via the query have a few custom columns (multiline text, image, singleline ...
bberndt's user avatar
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how i can hide/remove links named (share on facebook ,Digg this ,etc) from my RSS viewer web part

I have added a RSS viewer web part to my team site, and i added this custom XSL (code copies from here, to display only ...
John John's user avatar
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Return current local datetime in XSL feed from RSS

I am currently using xsl to feed weather from Everything working fine but as soon as i add reference exslt it will not work and show error "Failed to apply XSLT to the content". I ...
Supermode's user avatar
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Display current date in xsl

I would like to display current date with the following format. However using current-date() is throwing error "Failed to apply XSLT" Thu 02 Mar 2017 The following is the code that i have so far. ...
Supermode's user avatar
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@EventDate Not Displaying

I am quite new to this so please bear with me. This has been driving me crazy all morning. I have been trying to create template for the CQWP that will display the calendar how I want it to show on ...
KayleeMaddison's user avatar
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Check if parameter contains column value in filter for data view web part

I am trying to filter a dataview webpart using a parameter ($Users) which is a string of usernames delimited by a semicolon (domain\user1;domain\user2;domain\user3;domain\user4). This string is ...
user2096185's user avatar
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My xslt doesn't work

I wrote some xslt to make a new style for my content query web part, but it doesn't work. I'm new to xslt and don't know what i did wrong. I hoped that someone here could help me.
Aline B's user avatar
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How can I pull a contextual link into a Page Layout

We are creating a new commerce site for our existing SharePoint 2010 site to link to. Right now our main product pages each use layouts that have an unordered list styled into tabs across the top. The ...
C. Milyard's user avatar
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Sum of column based on <xsl:choose> statement in a data view?

I have a column in a SharePoint 2010 dataview that is as follows: <td> <xsl:variable name="CurrentYear" select="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(ddwrt:Today()),1033,'yyyy')"/> <xsl:...
user2096185's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 - Error XSL List error with user not Logged in

This is my first topic so I apologize if something is not in order and I apologize for my bad english. I have a problem with a particular SP13 list. I created an XSL that uses JQUERY and BOOTSTRAP ...
user2642043's user avatar
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Hide or Show Data Fields in List Editor Form (Using Share point Designer )

I am facing an issue in developing Share point List Editor Form (Custom Form) using Share point Designer in O365. My requirement is, if column named "Payment Status" is "Pending For Payment" then show ...
Vinod's user avatar
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SharePoint Designer - Hiding fields in a form unless specific condition is met [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a form in SharePoint Designer 2013, I want to be able to hide a specific field in the form unless the answer to another field has been changed to a specific option. Here is my ...
kloneman's user avatar
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cqwp: formatting a date inside a standard template

I do not have a formal knowledge of XSLT so my successes are with attempts. I would like to know one information once for all. Sometimes I need a slight modification on the templates such as the '...
susan's user avatar
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Need help comparing two dates with times

I'm trying to compare two dates with time. I'm able to compare just the date, but when I add the time element it doesn't work. I'm not sure what the correct format should be. <xsl:if test="ddwrt:...
LAL1982's user avatar
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Remove a section of a string in xsl

So I am doing a project in Sharepoint 2010 environment. I have an xsl template to retrieve the value of a page url. Currently this is the value that is being returned. http://sitebuilder2/corporate/...
bberndt's user avatar
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XML dont get rendered for special charcters in the browser from SharePoint site [closed]

This may not be related to SharePoint but since I got this error from my SharePoint site, I am posting in this forum. So Please do not put it on hold. I have a properly generated XML file in one of ...
Ankit Kumar's user avatar
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