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Questions tagged [workflow-variable]

A variable is a data storage location or cache inside a workflow that contains data associated with a workflow.

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Get a specific value from array

I'm having this situation Inside a loop I'm having one more loop where I append specific values to a specific array. What if later I want to access the Trend value from the third array? I know how to ...
Simona B.'s user avatar
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Workflow Date/Time variable is off by 4 hours

I am using SharePoint Designer 2013 to write a workflow on SharePoint 2010. My time zone is UTC-05:00 and that is the time zone in my site's regional settings. I have a list that has a look up from a ...
Bruce Dimon's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting lookup value variable in SharePoint 2010 workflow

I am looking to set a variable in a SharePoint 2010 workflow in a SharePoint 2016 Enterprise env. as a lookup value. The issue that I am having is that the variable data is coming from the EditForm....
Sarah Grzymkowski's user avatar
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Update current item in List A using information from most current item in List B - SP 2010

Help, Is it possible to update the most current item in List A using information from the most current item in List B? I have to use SharePoint 2010 so functionality is limited. I have no been able ...
seaandtea's user avatar
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Trigger a workflow based on the status of a column

Is it possible to trigger an approval flow based on the status of a column in a SharePoint List? Eg. If column A = Value X ---> Trigger workflow. If column X is any other value than X don`t ...
Sergiu Manta's user avatar
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Workflow If/Then: When Child (Count Related) List lookup field equals zero in Parent List Workflow. Error

I've got two lists; List 1 = Parent & List 2 = Child. The relationship between the two is one (Parent) to many (Child). The Child list has a lookup field to the Parent ID and the Parent list has ...
Christopher Unger's user avatar
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How to Rename Document with a dot in it. HELP :*( SharePoint Designer 2013

I am moving a file from one document library to another using a 2013 workflow but it keeps dropping the dot " . " from the file name. "File 45.01" Move Document -> Rename Document -> "Published File ...
Mark Apolinar's user avatar
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Workflow move item to another list with name variable

I need create a workflow that move all items in a list to another list. This is easy. But I need that the name of the second list be the month and the year. I create a script that create the list ...
Joaquín's user avatar
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Replace string action for SPD 2010 Workflow

I'm working on an approval workflow and I need to send email during the approval/reject process. I have an email template list through which I fetch the body for the email. The body for one of the ...
Sohail Shaikh's user avatar
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Increment Workflow Variables

I've done quite a bit of research, but unable to find a solution or tutorial to help me with this problem. I am looking for an out-of-box solution using SharePoint Designer 2010. I have a document ...
Miguel Ortiz's user avatar
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Actions in parallel tasks are executing in parallel too and sharing workflow variables

I've come across an interesting scenario with parallel tasks and workflow variables. My versions are: Sharepoint Online 2016 Sharepoint Designer 2013 Sharepoint 2010 Workflow Platform I am ...
StackTrace's user avatar
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Does setting workflow variable count as item modification?

I am currently building a workflow that will require changing workflow variables However when the workflow runs I am receiving the email it sends out three times.The only thing I can think of is that ...
Kirito's user avatar
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How to retrieve task id from "start a task process" action

I have a SharePoint 2013 platform Workflow where i start an approval Task: a) I currently use "Assign a task" action and use the Task Id return field to get approval comments from the task b) I ...
Nuno Barbosa's user avatar
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Workflow variable limit (SP Online) - workaround for date calcs?

I'm apparently* hitting the 50 variable limit in a SharePoint 2010 workflow on a SharePoint Online site. I could probably kill off a dozen variables if I could do a varDate adjustment on the fly when ...
hudsonsedge's user avatar
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SharePoint Task ID Lookup

I am trying to auto-schedule task basis on Predecessors. Tried creating a workflow that will help me with this but not been very successful. For example- Task2(ID2) with Predecessor(ID3) looks for ...
Gaurav Kumra's user avatar
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Extracting attachments URL from list items

I won't be unique with my question: I just need to get normal URLs to all attachments from SharePoint list items. Unfortunately I can't use JavaScript or any 3rd party solutions (have neither ...
Skotofey Podrocek's user avatar
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workflow complete but output nothing, what I did wrong?

I have 2 lists, ankenlist: have some "anken", each anken have a "total", "total" mean amount of work to be done. report: each record link to an anken, with a "Done", I want to do like this: each time ...
Luke's user avatar
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2 answers

Reset/Clear date variable in workflow loop (using REST API calls)

I use Sharepoint Online and Sharepoint Designer 2013 workflows. I have a loop workflow that uses variables in date format. When the loop starts again it uses the variable from the first loop. ...
Maciek's user avatar
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3 votes
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Workflow: If item returned equals yes send an email. Im lost

I want to send an email when a key is returned. The user who updates the list has a checkbox for yes it was returned. Once that field goes from blank to "Yes" I want an email to be sent to the user ...
Soko's user avatar
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SharePoint DispForm ID does not match EditForm ID (task). Workflow used to update IDs and Comment field

Email is sent to users after travel request has been created, the field in email pulls "Current Item:ID", which then provides a link to the DispForm, the ID # matches. /Lists/Travel Requests/DispForm....
Steve Hulsberg's user avatar
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Unable to access values from Json Rest api result in SharePoint Workflow 2013

I'm calling rest API in SharePoint workflow in SharePoint designer. I'm looping through the results and trying to access the values using key and trying to put them in email body . I'm using "Get d/...
user2864496's user avatar
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1 answer

Copying a Lookup Field in SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflow

I am trying to read a "Lookup" Column called 'Color' from a list and simply copy it into another "Text" column called 'Scheme' through SharePoint Designer 2013. In Designer, doing "Set Scheme to ...
Jake M.'s user avatar
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Counting value from one list column to another list column

I have 2 list, 1st have valie: ProductName, Price, Quantity. In second list i have Customer, ProductName(lookup with ProduceName from list1), and QuantityCustomerBuying. Now, how can i make workflow ...
SlAvEnKo's user avatar
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Lookup list in SharePoint 2010 workflow show XXXXX when imported

Am exporting a Sharepoint site and importing. But the workflow lookup list does not appear instead an ID is displayed. And therefore its not working, Check the screen shot above! Have tried many ...
Magige Daniel's user avatar
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Add Field Requirements to Edit Form

The form that I created requires the creator to assign a person "Reviewer 1" before they can save and trigger the workflow to begin. Once Reviewer 1 accesses the item to review (Edit Form), they have ...
cbbrown's user avatar
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Can I make Workflow to select people without manual entry?

For my workflow, I want to use the Action "Send Email" but as follows: Column A holds the name of stakeholder Column B holds the condition (a status of task) I want workflow to Send Email to Column ...
Alfatah Kader's user avatar
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How to set date/time variable in SharePoint Designer to null/empty?

How to set date/time variable in SharePoint Designer to null/empty? I am creating a workflow where I have to set date variable = empty value. But in a lookup, I can't define value=null. Is there any ...
Narinder Chauhan's user avatar
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Trying pass new list item ID via variable: create

In SharePoint online, I created a declarative (designer) workflow on List A. The workflow is triggered on item created. When a new item is created on List A, it creates new list item in List B. ...
cr1's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2010 Workflow Triggering emails ahead of date

I want to create a workflow that will look at a date in a column and then send an email 60 or 90 days before that date is current. What would a workflow look like to do that? Would it be easier to ...
Krustoff's user avatar
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How to set Values to Hyperlink filed from SharePoint desinger

I am trying to set the values to hyperlink filed of document library from designer workflow.And below are the two implemented formats in designer workflow,But finding no luck {ULR}, {Description} url,...
MSA's user avatar
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Workflow Triggering for any update

My below workflow is designed to send email notifications only when a specific field in my list is updated, however I'm currently receiving email when any list item is updated. Even though the two ...
Quinn's user avatar
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How can I assign a task/send an email to a user based on a variable in a different list?

I have a data list for all my SP users (custom list, not the user info list). There is an added column (look-up field) for their manager, so each user has a direct manager tagged on their 'item' ...
J. Benoit's user avatar
2 votes
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How to convert an ISO-formatted date string to a Date/Time variable in a SharePoint 2013 workflow?

I have a SharePoint Designer site workflow in SharePoint 2013 (Online) that I'm using to loop through a list, and collect properties from each item using the REST API. One of the columns I'm looking ...
Jonathan Holvey's user avatar
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Workflow - Three Conditions with Unique Approvers [closed]

How do I make a workflow with three scenarios? The workflow is dependent on the value of the following: Billing Information (2 possible values) Request Type (4 possible values) Business Unit (20 ...
Darwin's user avatar
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Setting a Workflow variable as a long date

I have seen all the suggestions for extracting the day of the week from a long date in a SP workflow. I would love to be able to set my date/time variable to a long date but the system will not let ...
Dan Paul's user avatar
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Is there a way to make a workflow run every Monday?

Context: I have a list that we use as a sort of newsfeed. I have a workflow which, when an item is created on the newsfeed, copies the contents into a new list item on a secondary list. What I am ...
Christopher's user avatar
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numeric column/field received through API call always gets saved as 0 to designer workflow variable

When I retrieve an O365 site's list's items in the designer workflow (2013) using rest api call, the Number type columns always get set to local integer variables as zeros. I have inspected the ...
Aamir's user avatar
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3 answers

Sharepoint Designer - Workflow - adding date field to email body

I have a list where I am creating a workflow which sends a copy of the list item to both the administrator of the list and the creator of the item. I am able to add all fields apart from the date ...
garvon-77's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 & Visual Studio 2015 Workflow httpsend

I am using SharePoint 2013 Enterprise version. I have already configure Workflow 2013 platform. I am creating workflow with visual studio 2105 ultimate version. What I am doing is that I am getting ...
Milind's user avatar
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How to create variable in visual studio workflow

I am first time creating Workflow in visual studio for SharePoint 2010. Now i need to create variable (Workflow variable) in my workflow but i am not getting any reference or tutorials for create ...
Kaushal Khamar's user avatar
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Semicolon delimited text field used in email workflow

unfortunately, I still have some forms on SharePoint 2007. Somehow, a workflow that was created by a previous person disappeared (grew legs and walked away? idk). I am looking to recreate this ...
user50962's user avatar
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Workflow Error - Sharepoint logs

I am encountering a strange behavior of custom workflows and cannot find any clue for it. The error seems to be independent of the item data - even if the item data is the same, usually workflow ...
KatoWitEC's user avatar
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Workflow staus values - how to find the numeric value of a manually defined custom workflow status?

I have a long and complex workflow with many stages and steps written in SharePoint Designer 2013. The workflow is associated with a SharePoint library that was published from a form designed in ...
Trojanian's user avatar
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Workflow for current version of excel document

I have an excel document I am maintaining on SP, and at-least once a week this document needs to be mailed to several people. Not all are SharePoint enthusiast so I need to maintain their requirements ...
Jeremy J's user avatar
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2010 - Email not sending when custom variable is in to field

In our AD database, the email addresses stored in Sharepoint are often wrong and cause problems for our sites. Unfortunately we don't get much assistance from our AD database administrators, so I need ...
Nicole Foster's user avatar
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Looping through SharePoint 2013 using SharePoint Designer Workflow

Any ideas on how I can Loop through list A to get/set variables, one being a list name. Then using those variables, loop through other lists on the site. Basically a nested loop. Problem is I can't ...
Moe's user avatar
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How To Wait For A Contact Change

I'm making a workflow that needs to be stopped whenever a field change. This is working find for a date field and a string field. I save the initial values at the top of flow and use wait for field ...
Brad Rhoads's user avatar
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Getting Lookup Values Sharepoint Workflow 2013

I'm having problems getting the values from a lookup field and then store in a variable Code: Set Variable: v_related_requirement_intID to Current Item:Release Error: An unhandled exception ...
davser's user avatar
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How to insert a sentence in a list workflow email depending on a condition?

I want to use a single email to either send a new or updated item email. If I create a column containing a choice of two sentences (one indicates the email contains a new item and the other an update)...
Zippy's user avatar
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Retrieve all items from list column in one SPD variable

I am using SharePoint Designer 2010 workflow platform. Daily our user post some press clippings in SharePoint description column, then we have to send all these descriptions in single email at the ...
Zareen334's user avatar