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I can't make external component library work on SPFX

I have a component library that uses react as an external dependency it works alright from anywhere I tested. I tried recently to import it from a spfx package and it keeps giving this error: What I ...
Ricardo Silva's user avatar
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NPM packages for React webpart SharePoint Online try to access 'fs' on client side but it's not even necessary? React SPFX

While there is a correct answer already given at: SPFx Unable to use 'fs' module its missing the part that in webpack config it can be outflagged like this: node: { fs: 'empty' }, Module ...
shibo's user avatar
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SharePoint Framework: Module not loaded correctly when pressing F5 in IE

I need to load the jquery-typeahead library in my SPFx web part. I register this dependency by adding it to "config\config.json" like this: "externals": { "jquery": { "path": "./...
Heinrich Ulbricht's user avatar