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How can add a library into visual web part 2016?

I created a Dai_ExcelLab.dll to output excel file as image: I had add Dai_ExcelLab.dll to my visual web part: And using: protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try ...
D T's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2019 visual webpart with SQL database

We are planning implement SharePoint 2019 on-prem to replace existing SP 2010 intranet . we have few SP visual webparts with SQL data sources that was build using . we like to know if it is ...
Homes's user avatar
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Cannot initialize SharePoint project item whenever a project is reopened

I'm developing a SharePoint Visual Web Part for SharePoint 2016 with Visual Studio 2015. When I create a new web part all the relevant extensions initialize correctly. However, when I close Visual ...
gsamerica's user avatar
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Web Parts auto-adjust to web part zone

We have developed some custom web parts in SharePoint 2016. We have developed these web parts as Visual Web Parts but with JavaScript/jQuery/REST API/PNP JS. We have used bootstrap for responsive ...
Zakir HC's user avatar
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User Change Event in ASP.Net

We have developed a visual web part in With using SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.ID property, we control who is current user. In SharePoint, it is possible to change current user and this ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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How to add webPart to Page with PowerShell from WebPart Gallery

I want to get my Custom WebPart by name and add into a Page with PowerShell from (Web part gallery): --> Edit Page --> Insert --> Web Part --> Custom WebParts in image are added from Custom ...
Goshky's user avatar
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Asynchronous Visual Web Part without ASP Update Panel

I want to create the Asynchronous Visual Web Part(Which is not affecting the page load) without using ASP:UpdatePanel. Any idea how to achieve this??
Mohamed Arif's user avatar
2 votes
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Show hide User Controls in a webpart or switch between webparts

How we can achieve below scenario in SharePoint 2013,I am confused where to start: I have webpart which will do login functionality based on list, once user Logged success I need to show a List Items(...
mzonerz's user avatar
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SP16 On-Premise - SPFx web parts or Classic web Parts?

My company has need to migrate web parts from SP07 to SP16 On-Premise. It is clear that all the logic from the old web parts will be written from the beginning. My question is what decision we ...
Goshky's user avatar
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SP13 - Deploy and debugging stop work for other developers in project

My SharePoint team (back-end and front-end developers) work on project. Solutions are Visual Web Parts for SharePoint 2013. Where one developer deploy her solution or debug web part from visual ...
Goshky's user avatar
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How to set permission list item in custom list?

I create a web part.this web part is using "add a item". it was completed. My problem: I want to create a web part which is having below ex. Ex: I login on my account-> add a item. B person login b ...
nestle nescafe's user avatar
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How to set permission for each web part

In Attactments(Custom List). I have three web parts as below picture(web part 1, web part 2, web part 3). In the case, I create three groups (a group, b group, c group). I want a group who just see ...
nestle nescafe's user avatar
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UpdatePanel support in SharePoint Visual Web Part

Does SharePoint 2013 supports <asp:UpdatePanel> inside a visual web part? The issue is when I am filling the details in Web Part controls and if I leave the web part idle for 30 secs or more, ...
Zakir HC's user avatar
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Error in CAML query

Have I written the below CAML query correctly? Am I missing anything? I am encountering an error on below line of code. SPQuery spQuery = new SPQuery(); spQuery.Query = "<Where><And><...
Zakir HC's user avatar
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Create Sharepoint Site structure dynamically

I want to add a user interface where user create a Sharepoint SiteCollection for each project. For example we have textbox where we can put a name of the project, it will be also the name of the ...
BKChedlia's user avatar
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Get value of PeopleEditor control field in a string

How can I retrieve value of SharePoint:PeopleEditor control in a string programmatically in Server Side Object Model (C#)?
Zakir HC's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2010 :Add webpart page and insert custom webpart in it

I have many site collections, where I want to add a webpart page named "reporting.aspx" and insert a developped webpart (c#) in it, How can I create this feature and activate it automatically ? thank ...
BKChedlia's user avatar
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SharePoint Visual Webpart Show contactus form in popup on button click

I am creating one sharepoint visual webpart where I have Send Inquiry button on the click of which Contact us Form should open. In that form I have submit button. By clicking on submit button I am ...
akj's user avatar
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I am facing $Resources:core,ImportErrorMessage; while adding sharepint2013 webpart

I am getting below error while adding WebPart in webpage $Resources:core,ImportErrorMessage; Please tell me things to do for resolving this error.
akj's user avatar
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Alternative approaches to designing workflows for simple approval process in SharePoint

I have to develop a simple document approval workflow in my SP 2013 on-premises site collection. Instead of going with designer workflow, visual studio sequential workflow,can i implement this ...
samolpp2's user avatar
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Visual Studio Community for SharePoint 2013 [duplicate]

I am site administrator for one of the sharepoint 2013 on-premise site and I would like to develop the custom webparts for communicating lists and libraries at site level using visual studio Community ...
MSA's user avatar
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Deploy Web Part from Visual Studio to remote SharePoint [duplicate]

I've made a Visual Web Part in Visual Studio (non-sandboxed) that I could easily deploy & "debug" on my local SharePoint installation. I want to copy this web part to another SharePoint ...
Laureant's user avatar
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Adding an item to a List when clicking a WebPart Properties 'OK' button

I have a superb Web Part downloaded from Codeplex which essentially is a Countdown Timer in jQuery. (spCountdown) The code itself works perfectly, however I want to tweak it, in what I thought would ...
Rick Lister's user avatar
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CSS Styles in ASCX are not being Rendered

I have a Visual WebPart being used on a self-hosted SharePoint 2013 stack. Problem is that in the WebPart design file, I have a Style tag <style>.. with some definitions for how certain sections ...
GoldBishop's user avatar
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the file '/_controltemplates/.ascx' does not exist

I am making a visual web part which is referencing a user control. The code in SharePointProjectItem.spdata is given below. <ProjectItemFile Source="ExportUserControl.ascx" Target="...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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Import my visual webpart to my site I get error; "$Resources:core,ImportErrorMessage;"

When I import my visual webpart to my site I get error; "$Resources:core,ImportErrorMessage;". My solution has WCFService project and visual webpart calls WCF service. I have added my webpart to ...
Sivakumar Piratheeban's user avatar
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Datatables not working when placed in one single webpart?

We have added two datatables in one single webpart. And when one of the datatable is empty the search function does not work for the other one which has data. Why does that happen? Or how can we ...
Niranjan Kulkarni's user avatar
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SPMenu Field for sharepoint document library

I have written code where it will show the Sharepoint document library in sp grid view.It is showing the grid but i want the default spmenu field for the type icon. please see the attached image. ...
santosh kondapalli's user avatar
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Call Javascript functions from Server

I want to develop a simple web part using VS 2012 and add this code for button click: SPListItem Item = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["Tasks"].Items.Add(); Item["Title"] = TextBox1.Text; Item["Due Date"...
DooDoo's user avatar
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Create a VisualWebPart from Picture Library

I've a Picture Library to which I added pictures,now i want to create a Visual Web Part which displays a list of pictures added to library like this I created the similar design in ascx file like ...
Sid M's user avatar
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Get Chart web part to dynamically change with original share point list

I have a SharePoint list that contains a list of projects and their technology. Example. P1 - Java P2 - SAP P3 - Oracle P4 - Java p5 - Oracle I want to be able to represent ...
Chris G's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Error occurred in deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I get this error in the deployment step of a share-point farm based project. Most of the suggested solutions on the net are a simple Visual Studio re-start, however, a simple VS restart won't fix this....
anpatel's user avatar
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ModalupDialog not Working Properly

i had made Modalupdialog for Document Upload fro following Cod. <script type="text/javascript"> function RedirectUpload() { var tempUrl = "/_layouts/Upload.aspx?List={1264ADD5-41C8-...
Harsh Bhavsar's user avatar
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I want to make a weather webpart that displays temperature by using Api like Google or yahoo

I want to make a Weather web part form any api. I have searched on Google but could not find any good solution. So, any link or suggestion or steps for that?
Harsh Bhavsar's user avatar
4 votes
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Protect wsp file from Reverse Engineering

How to protect wsp file so no one can read my source code. When we change wsp file extension from wsp to zip, it gives all dll file and this dll can be extracted from .net reflector and get all source ...
Rajesh Joshi's user avatar
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How to use dynamic or relative path in SPList object?

I am using the following code to read a picture library: SPList list = SPContext.Current.Web.GetList("http://win-12/sites/mysite/ImageLibrary") Problem is, in above code "win-12" is my machine name ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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How to access Literal conrol from Visual Web Part code file

I have added a literal control in my visual web part VisualWebPart1.ascx file as follows: <asp:Literal id="slider"></asp:Literal> I am trying to access it in VisualWebPart1.ascx.cs file ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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need to display image of the user in the people picker, Sharepoint 2013?

In the people picker, the attributes it shows are name,designation and their online or offline status, Is it possible to display the image of the person?
TrollLord's user avatar
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Change month in SharePoint MonthlyCalendarView control

How to change month in SharePoint MonthlyCalendarView Control? It seems, there is no way to change month in calendar or change view of calendar.
Rajesh Joshi's user avatar
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How to set visual webparts to load one after - another sharepoint 2010

I have a webpart page which have 2 custom visual webparts. When i set the debugger point on both the page loads of the webpart the 2nd visual webpart debugger is hit...that makes me think the 2nd ...
SandeshR's user avatar
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Jquery clickable Tooltip inside SharePoint WebPart

I have a requirement in which when ever user hover over a text(hyperlink) a tool-tip should appear that should contain images which are clickable using JQuery $('.cover_beholder').hover( function (...
raky's user avatar
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Getting value on a custom webpart from another custom webpart on a page

We have a SharePoint page which contains one visual webpart(vw1) which is displaying few values(id,name,address) on it. Now i need to add one more custom webpart(vw2) and which should get the value "...
SandeshR's user avatar
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Change Sharepoint Calendar View from month to day

How to change calendar view from month to day on button click event without ribbon ?
Rajesh Joshi's user avatar
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Call Javascript on Sharepoint Calendar add button Click

How to call JavaScript in SharePoint Calendar Add Button Click event ?
Rajesh Joshi's user avatar
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How to change active directory password using Code?

How to change active directory User Account Password using code?
Rajesh Joshi's user avatar
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Retrive data using Caml Query Join Operation

How can I retrieve data from two SharePoint List using Join CamlQuery ?
Rajesh Joshi's user avatar
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How to bind spgrideview using linqdatasource?

How to bind spgrideview using linqdatasource ?
Rajesh Joshi's user avatar
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Create a custom error page to redirect to instead of generic AccessDenied.aspx?

When a user has not been given permissions to a particular site they receive the ugly "Error: Access Denied" page. Is it possible to capture this on one particular team site (via custom webpart) and ...
ninel's user avatar
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SPQuery on ECT very slow

I am creating a custom web part which is supposed to return results from an External Content Type(ECT) List which contains almost 40,000 records. There are multiple ways the items can be searched and ...
Kyle Hayhurst's user avatar
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Permissions to write into but not view a list?

I have a custom web part on my home page that is essentially a textbox and a button for submitting suggestions. The suggestions are written to a custom list named "Suggestions". Now, I would like ...
user7400's user avatar
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