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Need assistance with creating nested IF statements in a AND statement

I have a nested IF statement, in an AND statement. The IF statement ensures that IF an "Approval Date" is entered, a value must be entered in the "Total Budget Amount Approved" ...
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1 answer

If one column is not empty, require value in another column

I am seeking SharePoint List Formula that requires an entry in one column, if another column is not empty. For example, I have a column titled "Approval Date". If an approval date is entered ...
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0 answers

My list validation formula does not work on choice column

I have a SharePoint list with choice columns. I want to set a validation rule that says if Column A = "Yes" and Column B is set to "No" then it should error. The idea is that when ...
1 vote
1 answer

Control on date selection for new entry but not affect existing records

I have a list in SharePoint with a date column "Complete Date". I want to add a control to only allow users to select the complete date in current quarter. I used this formula: =IF(TODAY()&...
1 vote
1 answer

Multiple sharepoint list date column validation in list settings

I am trying to add validation on multiple dates in SharePoint list. Example: If end date is added by user the start date shall be mandatory. The start date shall not be greater than end date. =IF(...
0 votes
1 answer

Making a Date field required in case the use select In-progress from a choice field using list validation formula

I have a SharePoint online custom list which contains 2 columns: StartDate of type Date Time Status of type Choice field which have values such as Open, In-Progress, Closed. Now I want to write a ...
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1 answer

Need help with another sharepoint validation formula

I am trying to validate the Ticket Number field for certain task types and i am trying to validate the Manager email field for certain task types. My fields are like this: Task Type (Radio button ...
1 vote
1 answer

Conditional Required Field in SharePoint Online Library Validation Syntax Error

Goal I have a "Managed Services" Choice column with predefined choices displaying as Checkboxes (allow multiple selections). I want to make another column required based on the selection of ...
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1 answer

List Validation syntax error

I have a challenge with the List Validation process for a simple form. I need to check 2 fields: If [NPC Status] is "Passed" and [NPC End Date] greater or equal 2/24/2022. =IF([NPC Status]=&...
0 votes
1 answer

Conditional Required Field in SharePoint Library

I know how I can make the conditional formatting based on one selection, but I have an issue with multiple selections. I have a City dropdown column with three options: Test, Test1, Test3. My other ...
1 vote
1 answer

Apply the list validation to only certain content types

I have the following formula inside the list validation: =IF(Status="Invoiced",IF([Customer Invoiced Date]<>"",TRUE,FALSE),TRUE)=IF(Status="Commission Paid",IF([...
0 votes
1 answer

Complex Column Validation Formula

I need to add validation to a single line of text column in a SharePoint list. For other reasons, the column must be a single line of text, but it needs to be formatted like a date. The column must ...
0 votes
1 answer

List validation - Multiple Columns

Hopefully this is really simple, but I can't get my mind around it. At the title suggests, I have a series of column. Towards the end of them there are 3 columns, "Level 2", "Level 3&...
0 votes
1 answer

Validation user message not showing

I have a formula in List settings-> validation settings. The formula validates correctly. The user message I entered does not display, it displays its own message below which is Error: The ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to validate decimal value

I am working on SharePoint list validation. In column A, it should only allowed whole number/integer to be entered and any decimal should return an error. I tried to set the number of decimal place ...
1 vote
1 answer

Multiple Validation Rule

I have the following validation rule that works perfectly which makes mandatory [Customer] and [Member] columns if column [Feedback Type] equals "Ticket" from a drop down list: =IF([Feedback Type]="...