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18 votes
4 answers

Visual Studio 2012. Visual webpart's ascx.g.cs file empty after registering any control

I've discovered a problem when a Visual webpart's g.cs appears to be empty. I'm using Visual Studio 2012 Update 3 and a project for SharePoint 2010. The steps to reproduce the problem: in Visual ...
Denis Molodtsov's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

the file '/_controltemplates/.ascx' does not exist

I am making a visual web part which is referencing a user control. The code in SharePointProjectItem.spdata is given below. <ProjectItemFile Source="ExportUserControl.ascx" Target="...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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Show hide User Controls in a webpart or switch between webparts

How we can achieve below scenario in SharePoint 2013,I am confused where to start: I have webpart which will do login functionality based on list, once user Logged success I need to show a List Items(...
mzonerz's user avatar
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How to add a GridView to a Visual Web Part?

I'm new to SharePoint and am developing a simple World Clock Visual Web Part, following this blogpost from SharePoint Hero. In the blogpost the instructor describes adding a GridView to the Web Part, ...
gsamerica's user avatar
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2 answers

SPCalendarView control, same events are displayed each month in a VisualWebPart UserControl.ascx.cs file

I am creating a custom SharePoint Calendar to pull from multiple SharePoint Calendar Lists. In the markup I have the following: <SharePoint:SPCalendarView ID="EventsCalendar2" width="100%" ...
MyName's user avatar
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2 answers

Can a user control be added to a Visual Web Part?

Can i add a user control to a Visual Web Part (in visual studio) in sharepoint 2010? I have a user control which has content that i want placed on most of my visual web parts. Has anyone got any ...
user1786107's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010 : Visual Webpart - Multiple User Control

SharePoint 2010: Visual Studio 2010 I have requirement : i have one web part and using custom web part property i load 4 different user control. Solution 1 : I created web part and using custom web ...
Monica Jagani's user avatar
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Read Data of user Control in sharepoint visual web part

I developed an user control and added that user control in my visual web part multiple times. Three times manuallay and then dynamically. I can fetch the data of the user control which i have added ...
Rehan's user avatar
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Issue between user control and Visual webpart

I have user control in my master page (countrycontrol.ascx) on clicking the user control It will show links, user is allowed to select the country based on the selected country the visual webpart need ...
user1017644's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Couldn't find any way of displaying a message box in Visual Webpart 2007 (User Control)

I almost tried everything I could to display a nice message box in user control (.ascx) or code behind, but I failed miserably, Can anyone find me a tutorial in context to what I need and will 100% ...
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How can I access Controls in VisualWebPart1.cs from UserControl.ascx

I make a Webpart and want to use the controls from the VisualWebpart1UserControl.ascx in the VisualWebpart1.cs. Is this possible? I wrote following code in the VisualWebpart1.cs: ...
grekko's user avatar
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1 answer

How do i add a UserControl to a VisualWebPart (sandboxed)

I have installed Visual Studio power tools so that i can add Visual Web Parts. This all works fine, i can deploy Visual Web Parts etc. I now want to create a UserControl in my solution which i can ...
user1786107's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Custom link button - image dissapearing after updatePanel reload

I created a custom link button control so it can display also an image. Code below: namespace SharepointTools.Controls { [ToolboxData("<{0}:CustomImageButton runat=\"server\"></{0}:...
jjczopek's user avatar
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SharePoint 2019 visual web part user control performance issue

We are experiencing some performance issues with a new SharePoint 2019 project containing some custom visual web parts and user controls (farm solutions) which have been migrated from an old ...
Anders Nielsen's user avatar
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Force browser to clear cache when changes has been added or updated in Visual web-part control file

I am working on visual web-part (SP 2016 on-prem) and it's control (ascx) file has HTML, CSS and jQuery code. When I made any changes inside it, then changes are not reflecting at end user's or client ...
Rishi Jagati's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010 Visual Web Part development @_parser.AddParsedSubObject LiteralControl WebPartPageUserException

I am using SharePoint 2010 Foundation on a vmware virtual machine. I am using Visual Studio 2012 update 3. I am working on a visual web part project. I have so far in this project only used ...
user1084's user avatar
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