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How can I modify/view existing Form Submit rules/actions?

I am trying to just view (look at) existing Form Submit Rules. I know I can click on the Rule Inspector but this doesn't tell me what the rule/action is doing. When I click on Form Submit, I can see ...
IE5Master's user avatar
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Clear InfoPath form field after hitting submit?

Can anyone tell me how I would clear a from field after the submit button has been clicked? I have a field that I'm using as a password field to unhide fields if the password is entered bit I don't ...
cycloxr's user avatar
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3 answers

Open a new form after submit using rules

I am using InfoPath 2013 for developing forms for use in SharePoint 2013. To the question, I am looking for a way (hopefully no code) to open a new form when a user submits a completed form. ...
Yuges's user avatar
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How do I stop rules on submit if validation fails?

I have multiple rules on my submit button, which I need to process only if the validation passes. Currently if I have validation errors, the other rules run and change the views and the function on ...
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